I’m going to miss this - Chapter 2 - Kowalskiology101 (2024)

Chapter Text

All of the Outsiders threw themselves into finals prep. Silvia came back the next day and asked everyone not to talk about Artie’s death. Talking about his life and referencing him were fine, she’d go a bit quiet, but she didn’t want grief interrupting her finishing senior year. So they worked hard and got to finals. Silvia handed all of her friends a small photo of Artie from picture day at the beginning of the year. They would take him with them so he could cross the stage too.

The graduation party would go on as planned. Silvia said she might not stay as long as everyone else, but she wanted them to celebrate. Lily looked to the crowd. Artie had given her his two free tickets for graduation along with one extra from Quinn and Gavin. She tried to gauge from the expressions of her dads, aunt, uncle, grandpa, and Gloria what exactly Artie had told them all in secret, but they all had the same huge grins on their faces. Cam looked way too excited in Lily’s opinion, but then again, that was what he was like. Speeches were made by the class valedictorian who mentioned Artie and gave a short, pre-approved description of him. Then the names were called. The first of the Outsiders was nervous as he withdrew Artie’s picture when the person in front of him was called.

“Gavin Brewer”

Gavin went up, the picture clutched in his hand. He spotted his grandmother and aunt in the audience. No parents, but the other Outsiders’ parents and guardians cheered loudly for him and he smiled. He shook Principal Brown’s hand and showed the valedictorian the picture, saying there would be ten more pictures. The names continued.

"Wendell Chance”

Wendell had to be poked slightly to get moving, but he walked the stage a bit more nervously than Gavin. His choice of career after high school had been met with slight disapproval from his dad for a while, but Wendell’s persistence wore him down. It wasn’t that Scott thought that going to an art school was a bad idea, he just didn’t want Wendell jumping in with both feet without a backup plan should things go wrong.

“Quinn Dumont”

Quinn’s grin was wide as they walked up the stage, wearing a button with the nonbinary flag colors on their gown that the principal reluctantly allowed since caps and gowns were rentals. They flashed a heart symbol with their hands towards the audience. Mitch and Cam cheered loudly. Chelsea was overcome with emotion as she clapped.

“Teo Everett”

Teo hadn’t been that far behind Quinn, butterflies in his stomach. He looked to his mom and siblings in the audience who were cheering him on. If anyone asked him ten years ago what he was going to do after high school, he would’ve said he probably would flunk out by eighth grade.

“Alejandro Ibarra”

He probably should’ve been paying attention when Seth was called, but he was highly distracted by thoughts of the future. On the outside, he seemed one of those ‘too cool for school’ types, but he did make an honest effort to pass high school with good grades. Connor cleared his throat from behind and Alejandro gave a start before running up and almost tripping on his gown.

“Maya McGrath-Johnson”

Maya’s walk to the stage was more graceful than Alejandro’s, but she couldn’t help staring at the picture of Artie in her hand. Four years of knowing him felt like an insufficient amount of time. He’d been wholeheartedly approving and supportive of her and Lily’s relationship, in fact, she heard that he was the one who helped Lily realize what she was feeling. She whispered a ‘thank you’ before composing herself and quickly getting her diploma so she could cry off the stage with her friends.

“Mariana Quiñones”

Mariana had tears streaming down her face. She trembled as she walked the stage, looking back at the remaining students. Angie, Lily, and Tasha gave her encouraging looks while Silvia was doing all she could not to break down. Mariana made eye contact with Lori who gave her a blank stare. Mariana breathed in and out shakily before continuing, accidentally crinkling the picture she had from gripping it too hard.

“Angie Sanford”

Angie looked to Silvia who nodded. Angie nodded back and walked up to the stage, holding up the picture to the audience. She knew they couldn’t see him and that many had seen the newsletter from the school about him. But she wanted to do it symbolically. The others had agreed that she could be the one to do it. Then she hung back as the group discussed and told the Principal they were doing. They had been prepared for his rejection with a speech, but he said there was no need, he completely understood.

“Silvia Tavares”

The walls were cracking. Her brother should’ve been ahead of her. He should’ve been waiting on the sidelines, lightly poking fun at her afterwards for being emotional. She would’ve been just emotional instead of broken. It was when Silvia started messing with her hair, pulling it over her face, that Angie hurried back on stage and walked on the side facing the audience. The picture of her brother was clutched tightly in her hand, becoming more crinkled than Mariana’s. Angie took the diploma for her and walked her back to the stands. A few students scooted down so Angie could sit next to and hold her.

“Lily Tucker-Pritchett”

Since the the beginning of the letter T, Lily had been wondering what her dads were planning. They refused to tell her why they were wearing jackets in the quickly growing heat. Then her name was called and she walked partially up the stage and turned to see them. Mitch, Cam, Gloria, Jay, Phil, and Claire were wearing variously colored shirts with her face on them. She laughed along with some of the other remaining kids. Then she went to join Silvia and Angie.

“Tasha Wray”

Certainly not the last of the kids to be called, but alphabetically the last of the Outsiders. The irony being that she was one of the founding five of the group. She kissed her picture and held it out to applause. Then she went to join her friends. The students had rearranged themselves so that all the Outsiders could be seated in the row with Silvia.

The ceremony concluded and everyone went to get last minute yearbook autographs. Then the Outsiders left so they could get ready for the party. Lily and her dads were the last ones at the afterparty held at their house. She was extremely confused as to why.

“Okay, due to the circ*mstances, we feel the need to ask you if what we’re about to do is okay.” Mitch said.

“What are you about to do?”

“We wanted to carry you in and play ‘Circle of Life’.” Cam said. Lily’s brows rose in amusem*nt. “It was Artie’s idea. We made sure it was okay with Francisca, Silvia, Laura, and everyone else. If you’re not, we’ll text Claire and she won’t play the song.”

“And disappoint everyone? I assume you invited everyone everyone.”

“The family, their close families, Dimas and Juanita-yeah, everyone.”

“Can you even lift me anymore?”

“Not the way I did it when you were a baby, but yeah. I can still lift Dad and I can lift you.”

“He practiced by lifting me.” Mitch added.

“You would all like that and I know Artie would’ve. Yeah, let’s do it.” Lily said with a grin.

Claire was ready with her phone on video and since she didn’t receive a text saying otherwise and Francisca and her daughters were okay, she played the music. The younger kids cheered at The Lion King music. Then Phil opened the door and Mitch and Cam brought Lily in. Everyone was laughing, especially the family who had been there when Lily was introduced.

The graduates were celebrated, though there was a noticeable sadness in the air. Silvia and her family left early. The eighteen year old said she had something to show the Outsiders when Elias came down next weekend for Artie’s memorial service. The rest of the party went on until everyone was tired and went home. Despite the subdued atmosphere, they all said they had a great time.

Artie had told his mother that he wanted everyone to celebrate his life and not go through the fuss of a service or anything. Francisca had his and Silvia’s friends over to her house along with their families and a couple relatives who had flown in. They all told the family their memories of Artie and what he meant to them. Dimas and Juanita came a bit late, but Silvia had asked them to come. She passed out notes to all the adults that Artie had asked her to. Then she requested it just be the Outsiders watching a video Artie had made.

Mitch and Cam were in the kitchen and read the note together:

Dear Misters Tucker-Pritchett, I wrote some notes for the adults in my life apart from family who had made an impression on me. I didn’t have a dad or even a father figure from the age of two due to no fault of his own and only a scarce few home videos of us to even gauge what he was like as a dad. I like to imagine he would’ve been a good dad to teens and he would’ve loved you two. I could tell what you were like from our first meeting, Cameron. Not just because of the way you all dressed, but your instinct to protect your family. I admire that you can be fun and serious and you don’t shy away from your feelings. Mitchell, you are extremely brave and though I don’t understand and don’t need to understand exactly what it is that drives you, I know family is at the center of it. You care for others and I honestly think you should start your own firm if you want to. I’ve heard you guys talk about it from time to time. I admire your tenacity for justice. I admire the fact that you are more than willing to take in those who need it, be it by blood or not. Love makes family, not just blood. Thank you for being my dads too. For being there for me, Silvia, and the others. Love, Artie.

Cam was sobbing by the end and Mitch held him, tears falling down his own face.

The twelve Outsiders were gathered in the living room. Artie had written a general letter for the junior outsiders, but the graduates had a personal video. Silvia said that Joe and Dimas might be old enough for it, but they declined because they wanted to respect Artie’s wishes. So they turned on the tv and saw Artie a week before his death. Artie’s face flickered onto the screen. He sat on his bed and sighed.

“This is my…maybe third time making this video after the one for my family…yeah, uh-tried to make one for the kids, but I couldn’t get through it, so I typed it. It’s up to my family if they want to share the contents of their video.” Artie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Yeah, okay…first, I want to say I really hope my gut is wrong and that this video gets deleted. I know I’ve had a bit of a factual outlook that can appear pessimistic, but this-this feeling, it’s…it’s nothing I’ve ever had before. I’ve always known that death is inevitable and despite the strain of good luck and positive reactions to treatment that kept me alive throughout my preteen and teen years, I feel it coming. It’s like a chill that goes deep through your bones and soul. I’ve gone through existentialism more than the average non cancer having kid, so I know the feeling. And this one was…finite. I’m sixteen months older than my sister, one of the final four people in the group and somehow I became your big brother and I loved every second of it.”

He stood up and stretched, shaking out his hands. “If I don’t make it to graduation, I don’t want that to bring you down. Be seniors. Be proud of yourselves and how far you all came. Your futures continue. Remember me, but don’t stop for me. Life goes on-” There was a transition in the video and Artie had red rimmed eyes. “Good a time as any for the next part where I address each of you. I said everything to Silvia in my family video, so this is for the rest of you. Don’t know how long each of these will be and shorter ones aren’t an indicator of anything negative, it’s just that I feel like I’ve expressed my gratitude for your friendships pretty well over the years. Just know that I’m deeply grateful and love all of you equally…well, Silvia’s my sister, so I’m kinda legally required to say I love her the most.”

They all chuckled weakly.

“Maya, I’m glad you stayed even though you and Lily don’t work out. Though I have a working bet that if a crush I think Lily has doesn’t work out, you may possibly get back together in the future. You’re smart and goal oriented, I believe in you.”

“Oh gosh.” Maya laughed, sniffling.

“Teo, you are an excellent big brother. I didn’t know much about being a teen brother to toddler siblings since Silvia and I are so close in age, but that’s what you do, you learn. And I hope I’ve helped you learn that you’re more than your past. The people you left behind are behind for good reason. The people in the present are the ones you should cherish. I know I do.”

Teo nodded absentmindedly.

“Alejandro, I know the last year was tough on you academically, but persist. I know you can get into North Carolina, just…stick it out a bit in community. Try not to cram for finals like you did in high school and remember you have friends a phone call away. You may be self appointed on the edge, but you’re still one of us.”

“I’ll remember” Alejandro whispered.

“Elias, ah-I, I’m afraid I don’t know if I have much to say about our in person interactions. They were pretty scarce since my treatment was in its prime before you moved. But, I have enjoyed kicking your ass in some MMO games and our CoD lobbies. You’re terrible at talking trash, but you’re a pretty good sniper. You have a good eye for detail and I think that’ll translate well into your field, though I know you’re unsure specifically what you want to do with social sciences. Still rooting for you, buddy.”

Elias sniffled.

“Angie, future movie mogul, I wish I could be around to see your projects. I know you made a little something of the footage Lily had left from Catalina that her cousin didn’t use and you’ve made several short films that I’m sure were played at my service. And if you decided to do this first, then watch them after, you’ll have laughs and that’s what I want.”

Angie choked out a sob and Tasha held her.

“Tasha, hope you’re able to hear your message after that-” Silvia paused to give Tasha a moment. Then she continued when Tasha said to. “Tasha, you and Lily are the group’s cheerleaders, then somehow you made me the biggest one. The kid who was attached to a machine he named ‘Roger’ for a year. I’m glad you were there for me and you could be the voice of reason for many of us. Optimistic realism was a very interesting combo you don’t see often. But you made it happen.”

Tasha and Angie held each other tightly as they cried, trying to keep it at a low volume so they could hear the rest of the video.

“Gavin…don’t build a robot that’ll gain evil sentience and lead to a robot uprising and eventual AI-pocalypse.” Gavin snorted. “Seriously though, I know you struggle with the concept of family and I’m glad we all could be the safety net you need. I’m sorry to say that I have a feeling your parents aren’t going to show. And you know what, that’s their loss. They miss out on someone who charted his path all on his own, well, with backup. But you decided to go into robotics, you decided what you wanted to do. Whatever happens with your parents in the future is what happens. Don’t focus on the times they weren’t here, but on who is here now. And in my case, was. Promise me you’ll name your first original bot ‘Roger’. Roger? Over.”

Gavin paused the video and took a deep breath before speaking softly. “Copy that…over.” He pressed continue.

“Mariana, I know you had more in common with Silvia than me, which is to be expected. Nevertheless, I do appreciate your attempts to accessorize me when I was bedridden for a month the first year you met me. It baffled me. Not the being able to accessorize, but that you’d do that for someone you just met. Honestly, all of you were insanely prepared to accept a couple teens you just met, one who was sick. Thank you.”

“Oh Artie…” Mariana breathed.

“Wendell. Wind. I know your dad will come around, just give him a chance…yeah, that was my lame attempt at a pun on your surname and I’m not redoing this. Honestly, he will come around, I know he will. He just wants to make sure you have a solid career path and he has concerns, my observations of good paternal figures in our group over the years tell me that’s just what dads do. Thank you for telling me the secret of The Costco Man, even though it was kinda obvious for us. And for telling me the ending. I’ll take that to my grave. You and Quinn deserve that. You’re great storytellers and your series may not get a movie deal, but it’ll be great indie content. You have a lot to tell with our friends chipping in and I want you to tell it. Stan Lee and I will be chatting about your comics.”

Wendell let out a ‘ha’.

“Quinn, I want to echo what I said to Gavin about not creating world ending robots. I doubt you can download my brain to the computer in time, so I wouldn’t know. You’ve overcome a lot and I’m so proud of you. Despite everything, you graduated. You fought for your rights and won with all of us behind you. I suppose part of the reason Silvia and I were ready to jump in and defend someone we just met is because we could see the tight knit group. We knew the bonds that had been formed and the importance of having someone by your side. Cancer and child abuse are by no means the same, one is a choice. A terrible choice made by terrible people who aren’t in your life anymore. Even though I’m gone, I want you to remember all I’ve taught you. What all of us have been through. What you’ve been through and how it’s made you stronger than ever.”

“Stronger.” Quinn echoed.

“Last but certainly not least, the one who started the friendship between me and Silvia with the rest of the group. Lily, older sister of Captain Baby. From day one, you became the sibling Silvia needed at that moment. I’m happy about it, honest. I wanted her to have a good time. I wanted her to make new friends and be a kid since the focus had to be on me for a while. My mom tried her best, but she had to prioritize me for a year and though Silvia has no animosity for it, I had guilt. Seeing you be so accepting and knowing you and your family wore matching sailor suits immediately told me that my sister found a kindred spirit. Introducing me to your family and having me participate in Halloween was amazing. My part may have been small, but witnessing the labors of love that went into uplifting all your spirits was all I thought I really needed. I never thought I needed dads. Though everyone was busy, they would make time to call me when I asked and give me advice. I gained more family than just my older half sister. I gained an entire world with people treating me like a person and not a virus. I thank all of you for being my family by choice. I love you.”

“We love you too.” Lily said.

Artie stared at the camera, appearing to contemplate something. Then he sighed, muted the video, and sat back with his switch. A VoiceOver of Artie started:

“In the moment, I don’t know why I didn’t end the video. After making minor edits and ignoring the end, I reviewed it. I watched it five times before I finally understood. I didn’t want to leave you with the memories of a despondent, dying brother. I wanted to leave you with the memory of someone who was essentially just a regular teenager playing games. A sort of slice of life moment. Because that’s what I want everyone to celebrate. My life and yours.”

The video continued with Artie playing his game, accompanied by music before Elias realized that it was Never Gonna Give You Up. They all laugh-cried at Artie’s last prank. Then they invited everyone else in and Silvia started the movies he’d mentioned along with some home movies. They ate and talked, some watching the tv. They were celebrating his life as he wanted.

I’m going to miss this - Chapter 2 - Kowalskiology101 (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.