Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert on LinkedIn: Happy to share that I'll be speaking at The DEI ER: Black Women's… (2024)

Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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Happy to share that I'll be speaking at The DEI ER: Black Women's Experiences in DEI! Make sure to attend it on June 21.


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    ERGs as Incubators for New IdeasEmployee Resource Groups (ERGs) aren't affinity networks; they're powerful incubators for new ideas that drive organizational success! 💡Innovation is the key to staying ahead of the curve. But where do game-changing ideas come from? Often, they emerge from the grassroots - from the very individuals who make up the diverse tapestry of our organizations.ERGs provide the fertile ground where these ideas can take root and flourish. 🌱By bringing together individuals with varied perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, ERGs serve as melting pots of creativity. These groups provide a safe space where members can brainstorm, collaborate, and experiment without fear of judgment.Moreover, ERGs serve as testing grounds for new initiatives and strategies. Members can pilot projects within the group, gather feedback, and refine their ideas before presenting them to the broader organization. This iterative process not only enhances the quality of ideas but also increases buy-in and support from stakeholders.But the impact of ERGs goes beyond generating ideas; they also foster a culture of innovation within the organization. ERGs inspire all employees to think outside the box and contribute their unique perspectives to problem-solving.So let's recognize the invaluable role that ERGs play as incubators for innovation. By harnessing the collective creativity of our diverse workforce, we can drive meaningful change, fuel growth, and ensure our organization's continued success! #ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

    Fostering a Culture of InnovationEmployee Resource Groups (ERGs) are not just about representation; they're about fostering a culture of innovation! 💡Innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's a necessity. But how do we cultivate an environment where diverse perspectives flourish?ERGs play a pivotal role in this journey. By bringing together individuals with unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, ERGs create a safe space where diverse ideas can thrive. 🌈Innovation thrives in environments where people feel valued, respected, and empowered to share their thoughts without fear of judgment. ERGs provide precisely that - a supportive community where individuals can express themselves authentically.Moreover, ERGs break down silos within organizations, facilitating cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing. When people from different departments and levels come together, magic happens. But it's not just about diversity; it's about inclusion. ERGs ensure that everyone's voice is heard, regardless of their background or position within the company. Inclusive environments breed creativity and drive innovation forward.Together, we can build workplaces that inspire creativity, drive innovation, and pave the way for a brighter future! #ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion

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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    ERGs: Platforms for InnovationLet's talk ERG programs as platforms for diverse voices and innovation. Imagine ERGs not just as groups, but as incubators where new ideas blossom, contributing to your organization’s evolution and success.Here’s what’s on the agenda:1. Fostering a Culture of Innovation: ERGs are more than just meeting groups; they're safe spaces where diverse ideas are welcomed and nurtured. This environment is crucial for fostering a culture of innovation. When people feel safe to share their unique perspectives, that’s where creativity thrives.2. ERGs as Incubators for New Ideas: Think of ERGs as mini think-tanks within your organization. They're hotbeds for new ideas, offering fresh insights that can drive your company forward.3. Encouraging Creativity and Diverse Thinking: Diverse thinking leads to creativity, which in turn leads to innovation. It’s about leveraging the varied backgrounds and experiences of ERG members to spark creative solutions.So, to all the innovators, thinkers, and change-makers out there, how is your ERG program serving as platforms for diverse voices and innovation? I’d love to hear about the creative ideas and successes coming out of your ERGs program in the comments below.#ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion 🚀🌟


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    Cultivating Leaders within ERGsLet's Talk about cultivating leaders within ERGs to elevate organizational priorities. It’s amazing how ERGs can nurture leaders who not only champion equity but also drive organizational goals forward.It’s crucial to include ERG leaders in key decision-making processes. They bring unique insights and perspectives that can enhance strategic decisions. It's about recognizing the value of diverse leadership at the decision table.ERG leaders are more than just heads of their respective groups; they're influencers within the organization. They have the power to shape and advance organizational priorities and strategies, acting as bridges between diverse employee groups and upper management.The key to success is ensuring that ERG initiatives are in sync with wider organizational priorities. It’s about strategic alignment - making sure that the goals of ERGs and the organization complement and support each other.To all the dynamic leaders and members of ERGs, Share your stories, and let’s inspire each other with success stories of leadership in ERGs#ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    Strategies ALERT - Here are 5 ways that ERGs can effectively communicate their insights and recommendations to leadership!1. Data-Driven Presentations: Utilize data and metrics to support your insights and recommendations. Whether it's demographic trends, employee feedback surveys, or market research, presenting concrete data strengthens your credibility and provides a clear rationale for your proposals.2. Tailored Messaging: Customize your communication approach to resonate with the priorities and concerns of leadership. Highlight how your recommendations align with the organization's strategic objectives, values, and bottom-line impact. 3. Executive Summaries: Condense your insights and recommendations into concise executive summaries that capture attention and facilitate quick understanding. Focus on the most critical points and provide clear action steps for leadership to consider.4. Stakeholder Engagement: Engage with relevant stakeholders throughout the communication process to build support and gather feedback. Collaborate with other departments, senior leaders, and subject matter experts to refine your proposals and address potential concerns. Foster a sense of ownership and accountability by involving stakeholders in the decision-making process.5. Visual Aids: Enhance your presentations with visual aids such as charts, graphs, and infographics to illustrate key points and enhance comprehension. Visuals can help simplify complex information and make your insights more memorable and impactful.6. Follow-Up and Accountability: After presenting your insights and recommendations, follow up with leadership to ensure understanding and gather feedback. Establish clear timelines and accountability measures for implementing proposed changes. Stay engaged throughout the implementation process to monitor progress and address any challenges that arise.By employing these strategies, ERGs can effectively communicate their insights and recommendations to leadership, driving positive change within the organization.Need help getting your communication strategies together, then DM to discuss. #ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    Diversity isn't just about representation—it's about harnessing the richness of varied perspectives to drive innovation. Here's how ERGs excel in this realm:1. Diverse Perspectives: ERGs bring together individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. This diversity of perspectives offers a treasure trove of insights and ideas, challenging conventional thinking and sparking creativity. 2. Creative Problem-Solving: Inclusive environments created by ERGs encourage members to bring their authentic selves to the table. This authenticity fuels open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving, enabling teams to tackle challenges from multiple angles. The result? Innovative solutions that draw on a wide range of experiences and perspectives, driving organizational growth and adaptability.3. Cross-Pollination of Ideas: ERGs serve as hubs for cross-functional collaboration, facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices across departments. This cross-pollination of ideas fosters interdisciplinary thinking and serendipitous connections, leading to breakthrough innovations that transcend traditional silos and boundaries.4. Customer-Centric Innovation: ERGs often represent diverse customer segments, providing valuable insights into their needs, preferences, and pain points. By tapping into these insights, organizations can develop products, services, and experiences that resonate with a broader audience, driving market differentiation and competitive advantage.ERGs are not just diversity initiatives—they're innovation incubators. By embracing diversity and fostering inclusive environments, ERGs empower teams to think differently, collaborate effectively, and drive innovation forward. Let me know in the comments how your ERGs are driving innovation!#ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    Excited to share insights on how ERGs are not only essential for fostering inclusion but also powerful engines for identifying growth and innovation opportunities!Here's how:1. Market Insights: ERGs, representing various demographics, offer a direct line to diverse consumer segments. By tapping into these groups, organizations can gain invaluable insights into emerging trends, unmet needs, and cultural nuances that mainstream approaches might miss. This understanding can drive innovation in product development, marketing strategies, and customer engagement, ultimately leading to competitive advantage and market expansion.2. Talent Pool: ERGs attract diverse talent and provide a platform for employees to share ideas and collaborate across functions. This diverse talent pool often harbors individuals with unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that can spark innovation within the organization. By leveraging the collective creativity and expertise of ERG members, companies can identify new business opportunities, streamline processes, and develop innovative solutions to complex challenges.3. Cultural Innovation: ERGs also play a crucial role in fostering a culture of innovation within the organization. By creating inclusive environments where all voices are heard and valued, ERGs encourage experimentation, risk-taking, and cross-functional collaboration. This cultural innovation can lead to breakthrough ideas, disruptive technologies, and novel approaches to problem-solving that drive business growth and sustainability.ERGs are not only vital for promoting equity and inclusion but also serve as catalysts for identifying growth and innovation opportunities. By harnessing the collective power of ERG members, organizations can stay ahead of the curve, drive innovation, and unlock new avenues for success.#ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    Growth and Innovation with ERGs Let’s chat about the role of ERGs in identifying and capitalizing on missed opportunities for growth and innovation. It's about leverage for real business impact.ERGs are uniquely positioned to spot opportunities that others might miss. They understand diverse markets and can pinpoint areas within the organization ripe for growth. It’s like having an in-house think tank that sees things from different angles.The diverse perspectives within ERGs are not just beneficial; they're essential for innovation. They challenge the status quo and bring fresh, creative solutions to the table. This diversity of thought is the fuel for groundbreaking ideas and approaches.It's not just about having great ideas; it's about making them heard. ERGs are able to communicate their insights and recommendations to the leadership, thus bridging the gap between insight and action.So, to all the innovators and forward-thinkers out there, how are your ERGs uncovering and seizing new opportunities? Comment Below!If you want to delve deeper into this topic and learn more about leveraging ERGs for business growth and innovation, make sure to follow and connect with me. #ERGProgramManagement #StrategicAlignment #ImpactfulLeadership #EquityAndInclusion


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  • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert

    Founder 🌟ERG Program Management Expert Driving Organizational Alignment & Engagement 🚀Consultant 🚀 Speaker | DEI Advocate | Amplifying Diverse Voices

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    🌈 Celebrating Pride Month and Honoring Pauli Murray🌈As we step into Pride Month, I am reminded of the incredible contributions of trailblazers like Pauli Murray. A true visionary, Murray's work as a civil rights activist, lawyer, and the first Black woman ordained as an Episcopal priest has left an indelible mark on both the LGBTQ+ and civil rights movements.Pauli Murray's advocacy for intersectional equality resonates deeply with our mission. Her life exemplifies the power of intersectionality—being Black, queer, and a woman, Murray faced and fought against multiple layers of discrimination. Her relentless pursuit of justice and equity is a powerful reminder of the work we continue to champion today.During Pride Month, let's celebrate our diversity and honor the legacies of those who paved the way for greater acceptance and equality. Let's strive to create inclusive spaces where everyone, regardless of their identity, can thrive.Here’s to the courage of those who fought before us and to the progress we continue to fight for. The work continues.Happy Pride! 🏳️🌈#PrideMonth #PauliMurray #DEI #Intersectionality #LGBTQ

    • Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert on LinkedIn: Happy to share that I'll be speaking at The DEI ER: Black Women's… (21)



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Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert on LinkedIn: Happy to share that I'll be speaking at The DEI ER: Black Women's… (25)

Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert on LinkedIn: Happy to share that I'll be speaking at The DEI ER: Black Women's… (26)


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Sharitta Marshall MBA, ERG Alignment Expert on LinkedIn: Happy to share that I'll be speaking at The DEI ER: Black Women's… (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.