The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)

2D Monday, August 9, 1 993 The Billings Gazette SCOREBOARD Scoreboard 3 TANK MCNAMARA Joe Nahrgang wins big at Superior NRA by Jeff Millar Bill Hinds ladies Barrels Mary Salmond. CHoteou, 15.32, $506 16; Gail Shoen. Three Foiks, 15.49, 369.36; Zona Lylle. Donan, 15.52, 259.92, Helena, 15 53, 1 36.80; Mary Goyins, Helena. 15.57, 95.76 Jt.

Barrels Amy Wilson. Jeffeison City, 15.83, til 2.00, Cass Egbert, Helena, 16 03. 84 00; Kera Washburn, Cody, 16.04, 56.00; hry Brown, Kafispeil, 16.08, 28.00. Steal Wrestling lorna Krone, Augusta, 4 5, $534. SB; Kennedy Walsh, Chinook, 4.8, 390.10; Steve Bhit, Helena, 5.6, 274.51; Bab Schall.

Arlee, 5.9, 144.48; Tom McDonald, Arlee, 68. 101.14.. Saddle drone Brandy Smith. Heleno, 72, 1394.27; George Schmidt, Brgfork, 71, 287.71; Tom Kuka, Varler, 70, 202.46; Dent dobbins. Corvotln, 69, 90.57; Tyler Hollum.

Belgrade, 69, 90.57. Team Roomg Jody Wacker-Roundup, Dick Gomt-Billings. 5.9, S290.30; Rich Carpanler Kolispell. Bob Schall Arlee, 5.9, 290.30; Pat Greany-Garnson, Brandon Byinglon-Helena, 6.2, 131.55; kCob Kounti.boiemon, Rick Tryon, 6.2, 131.55; Damon Ward Sufa, Lrndy Williams Blockfoat, Idaho. 6.4.

63.50. Ladies Breakaway Jill Hanson, Ronon, 2.9, S334.08; Mary Goylins, Heleno, 3, 250.56; Karen Miller, Absarokee, 29, 167.04; Aspen Ruhkala, St. Ignatius, 4.2, 83.92. Jr. Breakaway Shawn Washburn, Cody, 3.9, $92 00, Kyle Greany, Garrison, 5.2, 69.00; Candy Nolond, Ro.

nan, 5.8. 46.00; Amy Wilson, Jefferson City, 8 5, 23.00. Bull Riding Joe Nahrgang, Dillon. 80, Dan Nohr. gong, Dillon, 76, 336.90; Marty Penrod, Miles City, 76, 336.90; Milch Schnee.

Mies City, 76, 336.90; Zock Lylle, Ration, 74, 63.17; Rob Blight Billings. 74, 63.17. SUPERIOR Joe Nahrgang of Dillon took home $667.78 after an 80-point bull ride in the NRA Rocky Mountain Rodeo Sunday. Lome Krone of Augusta wrestled his steer in 4.6 seconds to beat out Kennedy Walsh's 4.8-second effort and pocket $534.58. Mary Salmond of Choteau raced to a 15.32 second victory in the barrels and earn herself $506.16.

NRA Rocky Mountain Rodeo Sunday, in Superior Bareback Bob Schall, Arlee, 75. 1394.27, Lane Yeoger, Choteau, 72, 245 09, Monte Inskeep, Blockioot. ID, 72. 245.09; Dave Washburn, Cody, 71; 60.38. Steve Cutler, Helena, 71, 60.38; Heath loFromboise, Helena.

71, 60 38 Calf Hoeing Chad Johnson, Cut Bank. 9.5. S459.9B; Rich Corpenter, Kalispell, II, 335.66; Bill Meloney. Wolf Creek, 12, 236.21; Terry Pitts, Clnon. 13.6, 124.32; Jim Scon, Shepherd, 13.7.

43.51; Justin Vietor, Prnlipsbuig, 13.7. 43.51. Monday PIONEER BASEBALL fcUmgt Mutton ot Uth-brtdge. doubUhmdw, Noon pm. LEGION BASEBALL: Ckx AA ito townonwnl.

fto-Istmon. RODEO NRA, Scot; Irfbngi Nghl Rodeo, p.m.; Cody N-tt Rocmo, 8 30 p.m GOLF: Pro Am. Pondwou Bvttt, Cobh.p; Am- otur Ouolrfymg, Butt. Tuesday LEGION BASEBALL: Ckw AA ilot tovrranwtl, Bo- uman. RODEO Mling NgM Rtoo, 8 Cody Nrfi Rodw, 8 30 p.m.

GOLF: Montana Cup, WhrttWv TENNIS: Montana Stol Opto. Mntouta. I Weekend BASEBALL Anw icon Leogut CLEVELAND INDIANS Activated Bob Cyxki, pitcher, from the 60 -dor dtwWed lift ond Sondy Alorna. from the 15-doy drtaWed Utl. Woived Matt Young, pitcher, for the purpoM of giving him hii wncondihonac ttttau.

Ophoned Jeue Levii. catch, to Charlotte of the irne notional league DETROIT TIGERS Eitended me contract of Sporty Anderwn, monogef. for one yof through the 1995 eoion. Hoced Mark Ltitef. pitcher, on the 1 5-day drwbled Ittl Recalled Buddy Groom, pitcher, from Toledo of me International Leogut MINNESOTA TWINS Agreed to tem with K4 cey Mucker, outhelder, ond oswgned hm to the Twim of the Gulf Coast Leogue.

NEW YORK YANKEES Optioned Gerald Wi. Iiami, outf(def, to Columbui of the Interfwhonol Leogue. National League CINCINNATI REDS Placed Barry Larkm. ihort-itop. on the 15-doy disabled Int.

retrooctrve to Aug. 5 Ptoeed Tom Browning, pitcher, on the 15-doy dwHed lt Recoiled Willie Greene, inhetder. ond Johnny Rufhn, pitcher, from lnonopoi of the American A.jociatiorv FOOTBALL Notional Football Leogue CLEVELAND BROWNS Waived Poul Ashby. running bock, and John Thornton, deferwve tackle. COLLEGE WEST VIRGINIA Announced thai Fronk ftrti ond Keith Drayton, defensive linemen, dd not meet NCAA eligibility requirements 17 540 21 10-65 42 50 6-42 10-43 52 959 32 10 Socked Yards Lost Punts fumbles-lost Penaliies-Yaids Time ol Possession LPGA McCaiTs Classic STRATTON MOUNTAIN, VI.

(AP Scores, prize money ond relation to par Sunday after the final round of the $500,000 McColl LPGA Classic played on the 6.077.yard, par.72. Slratton Moun-tam Country Club course: D. LHnd-Dormnn, $75,000 63 73 70 69275 13 Donna Andrews, $46,546 7169 67 69276 12 Deb Richard, $33,966 71-73 68 67279 -9 Michelle McGnn, $23,902 71.73 67 70281 7 Mary B. Zmmrmn. 72-71 281 -7 Sherri Sleinhouer, $15,179 7470 70 68 282 -i Lisa Kigaens.

$15,179 73 70 6970282 6 Gon3b 2 1 1 OWSrownrt 3 0 0 0 WaOuncct 4 0 0 0Bugh3b 3 10 1 Oyesrt 4 1 0 OVttnialb 4 0 11 BeAerdh 3 1 0 OLeadh 4 0 3 1 Bekodti 2 1 0 0R6erc 3 0 0 0 TnomMH 2 1 1 3Kete2b 4 110 Eddwib 3 0 0 0 Cordova 4 12 1 Towtec 2 111 Tow 33 ITotata 32 4 4 BtMnga 001 400001 -9 Lefftbridge 000310000-4 Baugn 2, Roman 1. Kith 1, Sotoman 1. DP Bahngs 1, Lethbrrdga 1. LOB Bilangs 14. LMhbndga 5 MR Thomas (6).

Towtt (6) SB -Akan (S), Cordova 1, Kaata Oyat. EOche. Towta Mnga If ER BB SO EtlerW.S-1 5 7 4 4 2 3 WitzalS.2 4 2 0 0 1 2 LaiWdBt IP ER BB SO Roman 5 3 5 2 7 2 Kath 3 2 0 0 3 0 Sotoman 10 10 2 0 HBP Rraoar (by Etler). 3 00 A 7170 7170282 Path Rizzo. $15,179 Ness, Mota sweep classes at Magic City Speedway KrnMonoghan.

$10,666 7471 68 70283 Nancy Lopez. $10,666 7170 70 72-283 Brand Burton. $10,666 73 674974283 Vicki Fergon. $8,348 7275-70 67 284 Noncy Scronlon. $8,346 73 7171 69-284 Cndy Ronck, $8,348 72 7171 70284 1 l.

Nigel Monsell, Britain, Lola93 Foid Cos-worth, 200, 130.146 mph. 2 4 Poul Tracy, Canada, Penske PC93 Chevy V8C, 200. 3 (13) Emerson Filtipoldi, Brazil, Peruke PC93-Chevy V8C, 200. 4 (5). Roberto Guerrero.

Son Juan Copistrano, Lola93-Chevy V8C. 199. 5 14. Robby Gordon. Orange, Lolo93-Ford Cosworth.

199. 6 (7). Scott Brayton, Coldwater, Lolo93-Ford Cosworth, 198. 7 (9) Bobby Ronol. Dublin.

Ovo. Lola93 Chevy VBC, 197. 8(15). Al Unset Albuquerque. N.M., LcJo93 Chevy V8C, 197.

9 (11). Jimmy Vasser, Dqcovery Boy. Lo-lo92Ford Cosworth, 194. 10 (21). Brian Till, Columbus, Ohio, Penske PC92-Chevy VSB, 194.

11 (16) Mike Groff, Los Angeles, Rahal Hogorv Chevy V8C, 194. 12 (19). a.vier Granitoid France. LcJo92 Chevy V8A, 192. 13 (22).

Hiro Matsushilo, Japan, Lola93-Ford Cosworth. 191. 14 I2 Steton Johansson, Sweden, Penske PC93-Chevy V8C. 190. 15 (17).

Willy T. Ribte. San Jose. Calif LcJa93 Ford Cosworth. 190.

16(10) Teo Fob. Itoly. V8C. 185. 17 (24 Marco Greco, Brazil, Lolo92-Chevy V8A, 183.

IS (23). Johnny Unset Ketchum, Idaho. LcJo92-Chevy V8A, 163. 19 (3). Scott Goodyear, Canada, Lolo93-Ford Cosworth, 1 40, contact.

20 (6. Mario Andretti. Nazoreth. Lolo93 Ford Cosworth, 137, contact. 21 (2) Raul Boesel.

Brazil. Lolo93-Ford Cosworth. 120, contort. 22 8 Danny Sullivan. Aspen.

Lalo93-Chevy V8C. 94. handling. 23 (20). Dovid Kudrove, Los Angeles.

Iolo92-Chevy V8A, 63, contact. 24 (2S. JeH Wood. Widnta, lok)92. worth DFS, 55, engine.

25 (18). Aire LuyenrJyk. Netherlands. LcJa93 Fed Cosworth, 32, handling. Time ol race: 1 hour, 37 rmnutes, 33.033 seconds.

Averoge speed: 130.148. Margin ol victory: 0.453 seconds. Lap leaders: Paul Tiocy 130 (41-68, 95 196), Nigel Monsell 70 (1-40. 69-94, 197 200). Yellow Hogs: 4 for 35 laps.

Elaine Crosby. $6,371 7173 72-69-265 MrssieBerleolti, $6,371 7468 7469285 Mxtieie Redman, $6,371 7373-6970285 Dome Mochne. $6,371 737 2 7 0 70285 Jan Stephenson. $6,371 727 2 6972 285 MasieMcGeorge, $6,371 7371 68 73265 Rornsbttm, $6,371 69497 374285 Deborah McHaffie. $5,033 76 69 7249 286 Carolyn HHI, $5,033 747 1 7 1 70286 Mogge Will.

$5,033 707 1 747 1 286 Tina Tombs. $5,033 71714876286 Kothy Guadgnno. $4,246 747 1 7270267 Lour, Menen, $4,246 74707370267 Shelley Hoewn, $4,246 70 70 7770-287 Colleen Walker. $4,246 737 1 7271267 Joan Pilco*ck, $4,246 71737 1 72287 I. Rinker Graham.

$4,246 67747076287 Class AA Legion Stole Tournament Bozeman (Double Elimmotion) Sunday First Round Bdlmgs Scorlets 1 3, Medicine Hat Monans 8 Mwaula Mavericks 12, Galkrlin Bucks 7 Second Round 6 pm Glacier Twins vs. Median Hot Morar. chs. loser out Magic City Speedway. Sunday mults Sprmt Carl Trophy Dash Jetue Molo (Billings).

Match Roce Jessie Moro. First Heat Jessie Mota, Harvey CHtwrnillef, Tom Kittson, Steve Cetor, Don Scott. Second Heat Shannon Chomberlin, Bill Bayce, Calvm Stumpf Bob Shiplet. Mon Event Jesse Mo to. Shannon Chamberlm, Bill Boyce, Bob Shtplet, Harvey Osterrmller, Calvin Stumpf, Tom Kittson.

Hot Stocks Clou Trophy Dash Dorcy Ness (Billings). Motch Roce Darcy Ness. First Heat Dorcy Ness, Rk Herman, Poul Faschtng, Kevin Roberts, Charlie Ingle, Stuart Ness. Second Heat Duane Iverson, Ken Boumon, Rick Mereness, Lorry Gleason, Marshall Hayworth, Gerald Watson. Mom Event Darcy Ness, Rtcfc Herman, Rick Mereness, Stuart Ness, Duone Iverson, Chorlie Ingle, Morthall Hayworth, Kevin Roberts, Ken Boumon, Paul Fosching, Gerald Watson.

Modified Trophy Dosh Dorryn Waldo. First Heal Ken Heidi, Darryn Waldo, Gory Demaree, Dave Shanks, Glen Gleason. Second Heat Dave Freeman, Terry Collett, Mike McCord, Steve or dwell. Main Event Terry Collett, Mike McCord, Dorryn Waldo, Dave Freeman, Den Hedt, Gory Demaree, Glenn Gleason, Dove Shanks, Steve Cardwell. Jessie Mota and Darcy Ness, both of Billings, swept all the events of their racing class at the Magic City Speedway stock car races held Sunday.

Mota's sprint car victories were earned in the trophy dash, match race, first heat, and the main event. Ness mirrored Mota's victory output as she competed in the Hot Stocks Class. In modified action, Terry Collett raced to victory in the main event. Race's were held Sunday after a Saturday evening rain made the 38-mile dirt track too greasy to drive on. linescores Legio ion Sunday Hat 000 100 610 8 II 4 INDIVIDUAl STATISTICS RUSHING Dallas, lassie 16 35.

Gainer 8 27. Beosley 8 20. Ju Garrett 110. Millen 1-0. Ja.Gar.

rett 1-0. Delron. Richards 10 29, Ware 4 22, Kramer 3 21. Sanders 5-17, Lynch 2 5. Peete 1-0, Jones 1 -(mmus 3).

PASSING Dallas. Millen 22 33 1 187, JaGar-reft 16-23-1-190. Detroit. Wore 5-9 0-37, Peete 2-5 0 16, Kramer 9 15 0 90 RECEIVING Dallas, T. Williams 7144, Darnel 5-55, Williams 4 35.

Ju Garrett 4-27. Agee 4 18, Irvin 3 45. Lassie 3-16. Navaeek 2-16. Gainer 2 8.

Beosley 2-1. Burleson 1-8, J. Smith 1-4. Detroit. Moore 5-40.

Perriman 3-19, Thompson 2-27, Richards 2-9. Matthews 1 29. D.Johnson 115, Barrett 12, Sanders 1-2 MISSED FIELD GOALS Elliot 44. 38. 54.

44 CFL Canocfcan Football League AH Tunes EDT Castern Ovwon I PF PA Ph HomHon 3 2 0 97 120 6 Winnipeg 3 3 166 137 6 Ottawa 1 4 0 116 140 2 Toronto 1 5 0 134 213 2 Western Dmsion Cotgory 6 0 0 252 183 12 BntCJmb 4 2 0 174 170 8 Edmonton 3 2 0 161 84 6 Sosktchwn 3 3 0 151 154 6 Soaomento 1 5 0 156 206 2 NOTE: Two pants ore awarded for a victory and one for tie. Friday 's Games Saskatchewan 37, riornlton 10 Calgary 47, Ottawa 22 Saturday's Gome BnfruS Columbia 39, Edmonton 23 Wednesday Gome Ottawa at Soskatchewart, 9:30 p.m. Shrine Game Rosters 47th Montana East-Weft Shrine Game Aug. 14. Great Foils West Team Chad Arlrnt, Ronon.

Mike Booer,; Lexer 8ioge, Tomn Buhler, Hamrlton; Ron Carroll, Missoula; iason Crebo, Heiena; Joke Dennehy, Missoula, Brod Fisher. Ronon; Don Foley. Joson Howard, Dillon; Burke Hurtsoker, Butte; Brod Kelly, Bulle; Mark Motowch, Anaconda; Cam McOueery, Butte; Ryan Mizner, Mnsoula; Andy Muhoen, Helena; Mark Morend, Anaconda; Chris Ostrom, Mis-souta; Josh Poffnowsen, BuHe; Rich Pfaff, Missoula. Shane Pursley. Helena; Ryan Ragom, Mrs sou (a, Jeff RoKTiundo, Butte; Josh Remington, Flathead County; Mosson Riddle, Missoula; Troy Howsey, Heleno; Don Shively, Beoverheod County; Ned Smith, Pol-son; Tom Thomas, Mrssoulo; 8 yon Timiick.

Columbia Falls; Chad Toden, Helena; Mario Tognefft, Steven-svitle; Dykm Tripp, Mrssoulo; Tyson Tucker, Arlee, Chns Turner, Missoula; Shoun Walker, Beaverhead County. Coaches: Gory Ekegren. Missoula Big Sky; Jerry Reilly, Missoula Bg Sky; Tony Arnslon, Chorlo; Fronk Gsz, Ronon; Don Peoples, Butte Central; Clyde Tucker. Arlee. East Team Clay Allord, Davis Almania, Great Falls; Anthony Alwarado, Havre; Zock Bland, Billingj; Todd Buchanan, Billings; Joel Bushard, Billings; Carter Clausen, Molto; Greg Fitzgerald, Columbus; Pat Free, Sidney; Mike Grnai, Great Falls, Bill Hansen, Malta; Mike Henneberg, Great Falls; Dole Hou-chen, Sidney; Mike Jenkins, Great Falls; Mark Jensen, Cut Sank; Mark Johnson, Great Foils; Shawn Keely, Havre; Travis Korin, Great Falls; Thod Loren-tan.

Emigrant; Eric Manzonerez, Great Falls; Jeremy May, Havre; Brian Mcintosh, Great Falls; No-than Miller, Glasgow; Rick Morns, Miles City; Dan Netss, Mhngs; Conwncidore Perster, Miles City; Chad Philippj, Glasgow; Paul Phillips, Billings; Chod Owlling, Sidney; Enoch Sar-lokken, Great Foils; Dove Southworth, Lewis town; John Worthington, Great Foils. Coaches: Jock Johnson, Great Falls Russell; Denny Dovrs, Great Fairs Russell; Brent Letboch, Sidney; Roger Merrrtt, Sidney; John Smith, ColumbuS; John Thompson, Wilboux. Ulnas Scorkds 3O0 320 41 13 14 2 Trevor McDonald (WP), and Adam Hull, Mark W.hon (LP), and Wade Rose. Medone Hat John Sneed S. Ryan Htlel 2 4.

Sood Samuel 2 4, Jed Dieschei 14. Chad MorMi 1-4. Mork Wilson 0-3, Aaron Anderson 0-3. Steve Zochorv 0-1. Wade Rose 2 5, Colin Kunti 2 3.

Chad Frer 1-1 HR Kunti. 38 Samuel. 28 Kuntz. Frey. Billinas Scarlets Brock 14.

Warren Posprsil 2-4. Casey Stessmon 1-3, Korey Hunter 2-5, Deke lundrnon 1-4. Adorn Hust 2 4. Poul Krous 0 0, Chrrs Collins 2 4, Chris Kiogness 3 4. Shane Cronk -O-l, Trevor McDonald 0-1.

Josh Buetvig 0-2. Joson Pognond 01. 38 Collins, Kiogness 2. 28 Hunter, Collins. Missoula S10 002 031 12 11 2 Boiemon 310 000 005 1 17 7 Jason Helms WP), and Courtney Weller; Tyler Jahnerson (LP), and Josh SeelhoH.

Missoula Joson Helms 1-4, Bret Carlson 1-6, Jeremy Winters 2-5. Courtney Weller 1-5. Justin Donel 2.5. Chris Gillotte 2 5. Rob Shendon I 5.

Jo. son Topp 0-2. Tim Unger 1 -3. 38 Winters. 2B Boiemon Ryan Johneaon 1-4.

Matt Finch 3-5, Joey Cheevers 4-5. Chris Harrison 2-4. Zock McCouley 1-5. Josh Seelhoff 2-5. Kosey Hortelb I-4, Cody Schroderf 1-3 3B Finch.

2B Horn. C. FiggCurner. $3,617 677 5 7472268 75-7070-73 288 Rabat Walton. $3.61 7 737 1 70-74266 Alkson Finney.

$2,988 747 3 72 70 289 1 Monlyn lovndr. $2,988 71 73 7570289 I Jl BrilevHmlon. $2,986 72-7571 71 289 1 CormeChillemi, $2,988 76-7149 73289 1 Patty Sheehan. $2,988 7173 7 2 73289 1 Gail Graham. $2,988 73 7073 73 289 I Akce Miller, $2,988 717174 73289 4-1 Ion West.

$2,309 75-71 75 69 290 2 Dole Eggelmg. $2,309 747 2 7 371290 2 Mehelle Mckll. $2,309 7570 7372 290 2 Chns Johnson, $2,309 73727273290 2 Alison Nicholas, $2,309 727 0 7 573290 2 Kim Shpman. $1,856 74 707572291 3 StefamoCtoce, $1,856 7249 7674291 3 Ell. Gibson.

$1,856 71 764 9 75291 3 Solly Irme, $1,656 737 07 1 77291 3 Kate Rogerson, $1,478 7671747! 292 4 Eva Dahllof, $1,478 747 3 7 3 72292 4 Page Dunlop, $1,478 73 747 3 72 292 4 Pat Bradley. $1,478 73 74-72 73292 4 Noncy Harvey, $1,478 6976 71 76292 4 SorohMcGuire, $1,176 737 3 7 3 74293 5 Susie Berning. $1,176 7174 7 4 74293 5 73497675 293 5 Suzanne Strudwck, $950 74727870294 6 Sue Thomas, $950 75717474294 6 AmyFruhwirth, $950 73747275294 6 C. Johnston-Forbes, $950737 2 7 3 76-294 6 laurel Kean, $812 7449-7874-295 7 JermyWyatl, $812 727 1 78 74295 7 M. Spencer-Devlin, $761 727 5 7 4 75 296 8 M.

McNomaro, $761 75487677296 6 Dense Baldwin, $711 777076-74297 9 lour Brower, $711 767 1 73 77297 9 Pearl Sirm. $674 74 70 7 4-80298 10 Kor.n Mundinger, $649 71-75-7976301 13 Miles City cowboy wins Dodson NRA bull riding Mazda Classic CARLSBAD. Colrf. (AP Results Sunday of the $375,000 Mazda Classic women's tennis tournament at Lo Coslo Resort Spa (seeding in parentheses): Singles Championship Steffi Graf (1. Germany, def.

Aronlno Sanchez Vicorio 2), Spam. 6-4. 4 6. 6 1. Doubles Clvjmcaonship Gigi Fernandez.

Aspen, and Heiena Suko-va (1 Czech Republic, def. Pam Shnver, Baltimore, ond Elizabeth Smylie (2), Australia, 6-4, 6-3. Volvo-Los Angeles LOS ANGELES (AP Results Sunday from the $300,000 Volvo Tenras-Los Angeles men tournament at the Los Angeles Tennis Center (seedings in parentheses): Singles Final Richard Krajicek (4), Netherlands, def. Michael Chang, (3) Henderson, 0 6, 7-6 17-31. 7-6 (7- National Football League Pieseoson sKwcJingS Atl Times EDI AMERICAN CONFERENCE East I Pel IT PA lixiranopolis I 0 0 1.000 16 3 Mrami I 0 0 1000 28 27 Nn.

England 0 1 0 .000 7 13 Y. Jeft 0 I 0 000 13 17 Buffalo 0 2 0 000 13 34 CentioJ ftltsbuioti 1 10 500 31 34 Cleveland 0 0 0 000 0 0 Ontimon 0 1 0 000 16 27 Houston 0 1 0 000 28 37 Wot Denver 1 0 0 1 000 23 7 Kansas dry 1 0 0 1 000 29 21 SonDiego 1 0 0 1 000 13 7 LARoKjeis 1 1 0 500 19 30 Seattle 0 1 0 000 13 16 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East Pet Pf PA NYGionls I 0 0 1000 27 16 Phoem. 1 0 0 1.000 24 13 Phlodelphw 1 1 0 500 29 37 Washington 0 0 0 000 0 0 Dallas 0 I I .000 20 26 Central Mmvjsolo 2 0 0 I 000 33 13 Detroit 1 0 I I 000 27 20 Oncocjo 0 I 0 000 9 13 Tampa Bay 0 1 0 000 7 23 Green Bay 0 2 0 .000 24 48 West NewOileons 2 0 0 1,000 65 44 SonFionasco 2 0 0 1.000 48 14 lARams 0 1 0 .000 13 24 Atlanta 0 1 0 .000 27 28 Friday Gome Uami 28. Atlanta 27 Saturday Gomes Minnesota 20, Buffalo 6 Pittsburgh 1 7. New York Jets 1 3 Denver 23, Tampa Bay 7 New York Giants 27, Cincinnati 16 New Orleans 37, Houston 28 Kansas City 29, Green Bay 21 Indianapolis 16, Seattle 13, OT San Oiego 1 3, New England 7 Phoenix 24, Los Angeles Rams 1 3 Sunday Games Dallas 1 3.

Detroit 1 3, OT, tie San Fronosco 27, Los Angeles Raiders 0 Philadelphia 13. Chicago 9 Monday Game Cleveland at Washington, 8 p.m. (ABC Thursday, Aug. 1 2 Buffalo at Kansas City, 8 p.m. TNT Friday, Aug.

1 3 PMadelphio at New York Jets. 7 30 Soturdoy. Aug 1 4 New Orleans vs. Green Bay ot Madison, 1 p.m. Tompa Bay at Atlanta.

7:30 p.m. New Englond vs Cleveland at Toronto, 7 30 p.m. Cincinnati ot Inckonopowt, 6 p.m. Phoenw at Chicago. 8 p.m.

Seattle at Monesoto. 8 m. Washmgton at Man, 8 p.m. Amburgh al New York GianH. 6 p.m.

las Angeles Readers at Dallas, 9 p.m. (ESPN) San Diego ot las Angeles Rams. 10 p.m. Monday. Aug.

16 San Frandsco at Denver. p.m. ABC) Detroit ot Houston. 9 m. Saddle bronc Shawn Stroh.

Glendive. 73, Brandy Smith, Helena, 72, 243.88; Mike Twitchell, Jordan, 72, 243.8B; Clint Sullivan, Havre, 69, 70.71; Jock Hinnaland. Brockway. 69. 70.71.

Bill Thenoull, Harlowton, 69, 70.71. Steer wrestling Jody Wacker, Roundup, 3.75, $384; Nick Econof. Winnefred, 6.13. 288; Tony Strainer, Helena, 6.19, 240; Matt Simonson. Lotirtg, 6.59, 96.

Coif roping Scott Solo. Chinook, 9.7, lyle Boumon, Hardin, 10.32, 277.92; Jay Billingsly, Golsgow, 10.65. 1 85.20; Chris Wilcher, Miles City, 1 1 .68, 92.64. Team roping Larry Steele, Hyshom-E. Schaffer, Malta, 7.5.

Bill Parker, Shepherd, 8.1, 275.04; Charlie Schwenke, Dortman-Luke Kirkoldie. Dodson. 9.2, 1 83.36; Joey McConnell Jeff Howard, Mollo, 9.8, 91 .68. Bull riding Mitch Schenee, Miles City, 73, $453.64 with day money; Audie Anderson, Comanche, 72, Jason Olson, Malta, 7 1 284.64, Lorry Sluggett, Roy, 70, 1 23.67, Mar. ty O'Brien, Billings, 70, 123.67, Justin Blankenship, Billings, 70, 123.67.

Ladies barrel racing Shirley Porini, Billings, 15.31, Linda Ottun, Forsyth, 15.45, 328.22; Dana Parini, Miles City, 15.50. 252.48; Pat Block, Lloyd, 15.51, 164.11; Phyllis Rose, Shepherd, 15.55, 88.36. Ladies breakaway Kayleen Hogon, 2.6, Jonie Carlson, 2.6, Boobbie Jo Bertrond, 2.7, 225.60; Karrie Burns, 28, 146.64; Alisha Oxart, 2.9 39.48; Jody Peterson, 2.9, 39.48. DODSON Mitch Schenee of Miles City edged out Audie Anderson of Commanche, Okla. with a 73 in bull riding to win $453.64 at the NRA Dodson Rodeo Sunday.

Shirley Parini of Billings clocked in a 15.31 time to narrowly defeat Forsyth's Linda Ottun in ladies' barrel racing and claim $429.16. Ottun finished in 15.45 seconds. Roundup's Jody Wacker took his steer down in a 3.75 seconds and pocketed $384 in the steer wrestling. Dodson NRA Borebock Dave Washburn, Cody, 73, Marty Buckingham, Miles City, 71, 207.36; Bruce Sinlayson, Absarokee, 69, 138.24, Tim Pankratz, Hays, 66, 69.12. Bud at the Glen WATKINS GLEN, Y.

(AP) The order of finish Sunday of the Sudwerser at the Glen NASCAR stock car race, listing starling position in parentheses, resi dence, type of car, laps completed, reason out, if ony, mpney won and winner's overage (peed in miles par hour: 1. (1) Mark Mortin, Jamestown, N.C., Ford Thun-derbird, 90, 1166,110 (includes 198,800 Unocal 76 Challenge bonus), 84.77 mph. 2. 10) Wally Dollenboch Greensboro, N.C., Ford ThunderLwd, 90, 137,045. 3.

(32) Jimmy Spencer, Mooresville, N.C., Ford Tfninderbird, 90. 131,135. 4. (8) Bill Elliott, Dawsonville, Ford Tftun-derbird, 90, 128.075. 5.

(2) Ken Schroder, Concord, N.C., Chevrolet Lu-mina. 90. S24.655. 51. Czech Open PRAGUE, Czech Republic (AP) Results Sunday of the $365,000 Czech Open men tennis championship: Singles Championship Sergi Bruguera (1), Spain, def.

Andrei Chesnokov 3, Russia, 7-5, 6-4. Gilligan heads field for U.S. Amateur qualifying Buick Open GRAND BLANC, Mich. (AP) Scores, relation to par and prize money won Sunday after the final round of the $1 million Buick Open, played on the por-72. Worwick Golf and Country Club course: Mustangs 9, Mounties 2 Bifcooa aft biLMhbridga lb I Akeni2b 4 1 1 OABrownct 3 110 Aehton3b 2 0 0 OSeguraex 3 0 10 Sertondh 2 0 1 2BwgX3b 3 0 10 Bakac 4 1 1 OW Brown rt 3 0 10 WMkmd 4 2 2 OVakmtilb 3 110- TTMMnasrf 4 2 2 SLussnxdh 3 0 10 BakerH 4 11 ILeett 3 0 0 0 EorJialD 4 0 3 1BoUc 3 0 0 0 Dorwthr 2 2 0 0Mms2b 2 0 0 0 ToWsi 11 til 7TOU4I I 0 Beting 001 5300-9 Lthbndge 0110000 -2 Ashton.

Scgura 2. DP Bnkngi 2. Leth- Other Montanans in the field are Jess Rudman of Whitefish, Jeff Nelson of Sidney, Reggie Holden of Great Falls, Shane Langstaff of Columbus, Brandon Hanson of Ronan, Craig Stutts of Kalispell, Gary Durham of Bozeman and Dave Cashell of Butte. Only those with handicaps of 3.4 or less were eligible to enter the qualifying event. BUTTE (AP) State amateur champion Kelly Gilligan of Great Falls heads a field of 14 participants for a qualifying round Monday at the Butte Country Club for the 93rd U.S.

Amateur Golf Championship. The winner of the 36-hole event will advance to the national tournament scheduled Aug. 24-29 at the Champions Golf Club in Houston. Bank of Boston Seniors CONCORD, Mass. (AP) Scores, relation to par and prize money won Sunday after the final round of the $750,000 Bank of Boston Senior PGA Classic, played on the por72, Nashawtuc Country Club course: Bob Betley, $112,500 664 9 49204 -12 Bob Murphy, $66,000 674 9 49205 .11 Oh Ch.

Rodriguez, $45,000 71-7144206 -10 Gibby Gilbert, $45,000 707 0 46 206 10 Jim Albus, $45,000 694 7 70206 -10 lorry Gilbert, $30,000 6948 70-207 -9 Ken Still, $27,000 6970-69208 -8 Lee Trevino, $22,500 744748209 7 Geoige Archer, $22,500 687 1 70209 -7 Rocky Thompson, $16,125 727048210 4 lorry Ziegler, $16,125 71 70-69210 -6 JimColbert, $16,125 7170-69210 4 Dewitt Weaver, $16,125 6872-70210 -6 Tom Wargo, $16,125 707070210 -6 Bob Charles, $16,125 7048 72210 4 Joe Corr. $10,639 707 4 47-211 -5 AIGeibeiger. $10,639 7173 47211 -5 Horry Toscono. $10,639 70-72-69211 -5 Tommy Aaron, $10,639 7249 70211 -5 Jim Ferree, $10,639 697 0 72-211 -5 Jerry McGee, $10,639 697 0 72211 5 Kerrmt Zorley, $10,639 7144 76211 -5 Gory Cowan. $7,675 70 7072212 -4 Bruce lehnhard, $7,875 7248 72212 -4 Lee Elder, $7,675 7149 72-212 -4 Miller Barber, $5,727 73-7347213 -3 Sinvan Hobday, $5,727 757147213 -3 Bob Brue, $5,727 72 7348213 -3 Homero Ulancos.

$5,727 747 0 49213 -3 Ben Smth. $5,727 74 6970213 -3 Wollet Zembrtski, $5,727 707 271213 -3 Michel Domiano. $5,727 68-73-72 213 3 Dole Douglass, $5,727 69 72 72213 3 David Phlo, $5,727 687273213 -3 J.C. Sneod. $5,727 704 9 74213 -3 Tommy Ayco*ck.

$5,727 6671 76213 -3 Dick Hendrickson, $3,975 7)73 70 214 2 Terry Dill, $3,975 77 67 70214 2 Bert Toncey. $3,975 697 2 73214 2 AlKelley. $3,975 68 73 73214 2 Dick Rhyon, $3,975 687 0 76214 2 Bob Wynn, $3,450 737 3 69215 1 Jock Kiefer. $3,450 714975215 -1 Calvin Peete. $2,550 717649216 Waller Morgan, $2,550 71-7471216 Gay Brewer.

$2,550 72 7371216 Mrke Joyce, $2,550 727 371-216 Bruce Oompton, $2,550 7471 71216 Dick lotz, $2,550 71-73-72216 John Poul Cain, $2,550 7271-73216 Charles Coody, $2,550 754774216 J.C. Goos. $2,550 734 9 74 -216 Bob Menne. $2,550 707 1 75216 Butch Bard. $1,688 747 4 69217 1 Billy Moiwell.

$1,686 757349217 1 Rives McBee. $1,688 71 737 3217 1 Tom Show. $1,688 73-71 73217 1 lorry looretti. $1,425 7672 70218 2 Roger Kennedy, $1,425 7175 72218 2 FiedRmz, $1,425 7272-74 218 2 louGrohom, $1,200 75 7648219 3 Charlie Sifford. $1,200 757371219 3 Jesus Rodriguez.

$1,200 767172219 3 Joe Jimenez. $938 7573 72220 4 lorry Mowry, $938 757 471220 4 Doug $938 75 72 73-220 4 Jim Slefonich, $938 71 7574220 4 Jimmy Powell. $705 7676-69221 5 767372221 5 Tony Marasco, $705 767075221 5 Harold Hennmg, $615 727 377222 6 Bobby bkchols. $548 757573 223 7 Don Massengole. $548 72 74 77223 7 Jim Brown, $480 80 76 68224 8 747 7 73224 8 Doug Ford, $435 79 7476229 13 Joe Bernot.

$405 7878-82238 22 Ted Ubermni, $375 88-85 83-256 40 49ers 27, Raiders 0 LA Readers 0 0 0 00 Son Fronosco 10 10 0 727 First Quarter SF Walters 1 run (CoJer kick). 3:43 Sf FGCorer39, 11:00 Second Quarter SF Rice 7 pass from Bono (Cofer kick), 1:11 Sf-FGCofer29. 12.33 Fourth Quartet bndoa 0. COB Bimnoa 6. Lethbridoa 3.

2B Se gwa. Yaetorua. HH Thoma (5). SB Dur-rwatcher 2. Akars.

SF Sexton ER BS tO W.M 7 6 2 1 0 3 II ER HJ SO 313 5 6 3 4 4 Helenans win spots on U.S. mountain bike team 1 run (Cofer lud. 4:30 A NA. LA SF Fust downs 15 20 Rushes-yards 19-106 35 1 26 Passing 192 238 Return Yards 0 107 Como-Attlnt 21-344 17-25-1 Socked Yards Lost 214 2-14 Punts 3-45 2-31 FumWesLost 2-1 00 Penalties Yards 9-81 6-45 Time of Possession 28:04 31:56 6. (30) Sterling Marlin, Columbia, Ford Thunderbird.

90, $18,190. 7. (241 Bobby Labonle, Trinity, N.C., Ford Thun. derbird, 90, $14,670. 8.

(29) P.J. Jones, Torrance, Ford Thunderbird. 90, $10,460 9. (19 Kenny Wallace. Concord.

5.692.N.C, Pontioc Grand Prix, 90, $12,210. 10. (18) Horry Gonl, Toylorsville, N.C., Chevrolet Lurmno, 90. $19,990. 11.

(15) Derrike Cope. Charlotte. N.C., Ford Thunderbird, 90, $13,930. 1 2. (26) Michael Waltrip, Davidson, N.C..

Pontioc Grand Prr, 90, $13,490. 13. (26) Scott Logasse, St. Augustine. Chevrolet Lumina, 90, $7,800.

14. (25) Darrell Waltrip, Franklin, Tenn. Chevrolet lurmno, 90, $1 7,360. 1 5. (1 2) Ernie Irvan, Concord.

N.C., Chevrolet Lu-nvna, 90, $17,420. 16. (16 Geoff Bodine. Julian. N.C..

Ford ThunderLwd. 90. $15,250. 17. (37) Hut Stricklin, Calera, Ford Thunderbird, 90, $12,330.

18. IS) Dale Earnhardt. Doolie, Chevrolet lumina, 90. $13,510. 19.

6 Rusty Wallace, Concord, N.C.. Pontioc Grand Pr. 90. $16,105. 20.

27 Brett Bodine. Harrisburg. NC, Ford Thunderbird. 89, $12,210. 21.

(13 Joe Nemechek, Lakeland. Chevrolet Lumina, 89, $6,535. 22. (23) Rick Wilson, Bartow, Pontioc Grand Prix, 89. $8,265.

23. (3 Terry labonte, Archdole. Chevrolet lurmno, 88. $11,070. 24.

(9) Kicky Rudd, Chesapeake. Chevrolet lurmno, 87, $10,910. 25. (33 Tom Kendall. LoCanoda, Ford Thunderbird, 85, $15,625.

26. 7 Kyle Petty, High Point, NC. Pontioc Grand Pris, 84, crash. $15,165. 27.

4) Lake Speed. Kannapolrs. Ford Thun. derbird, 79, $17,055 26. (22) Morgan Shepherd, Conover, NC, Ford Thunderbird.

76. $10,595 29 (38 Scott Gaylord. Boulder. Oldsmo-bile Cutlass, 75. $5,935.

30. (34) Todd Bodine, Harrrsburg, NC, Ford Thunderbird, 67, ail leak, $5,875. 31. (II) Jeff Gordon. Charlotte, NC.

Chevrolet lumina, 64, engine failure, $7,290. 32. (14) Dole Jorrett, Conover, C. Chevrolet Lumina, 61 clutch, $1 3,650. 33.

(20) Phi Parsons, lake Normon, N.C, Chevrolet lumina, 57, crash, $7,140. 34. (36) Ted Musgrave, Troutmon, N.C, Ford Thunderbird, 51, transmission, $10,055. 35. I7) Bobby Hill.n Harrisburg, N.C, Ford Thunderbird.

42, engine failure, $5,470. 36. (35) Ed Ferree. Saionburg, Chevrolet Lu-mrno, 32, crash, $5,440. 37.

(31) Rick Mast. Rockbridge Baths. Va. Ford Thunderbird. crash, $9,885.

38. (21) Darsey Schroeder, Ballwin, Ford Thunderbird, 0, Clash, $5,350. Race statrstics Time of race: 2:12:18 (does not include 6:34 red 9l Margin of victory: 3.84 stxonds. Caution flag 7 for 21 laps. Leod changes: 8 among 4 drivers.

Lap teaderst Martin 1-20; Earnhardt 21-25; Martin 26-35; Bodine 36-41; Mortin 42-52; G. Bodine 53-54; Eornhordt 5575; Petty 76-84; Martin 85-90. Series point leoderi; Earnhordl Jorrett Wallace Martin Shepherd Perry Schroder Irvon G.Bodine Gordon Morhn Elliott Spencer Rudd Cant 2,137. New England 200 LOUDON, N.H. (AP) Results of Sunday New England 200 Indy-car race at the 1.058-mile New Hompshire International Speedway, with driver's name, hometown or country, moke of cot, laps 646971.

68 272 16 69 65-66-73273 15 68 73-68-65274 -14 71- 65-71 69 276 -12 69 71-67-69 276 12 67- 72-70-68277 -11 67 70-70-70277 11 68- 71-67-71277 11 69 71-71 67 278 -10 73 67-68 70 278 -10 66-71-71 70 276 10 71 7068-70279 -9 72- 69-67-72280 -8 69- 71-68 72 260 -8 72 70-71-68281 -7 70- 71-70 70281 -7 66-77-6672281 -7 72- 71-66 72281 -7 73- 69-73-67282 -6 72 72-70 68282 -6 74- 709 69-282 -6 70 68 73-71282 -6 71 68-72-71282 -6 69- 727071282 -6 70729-71282 -6 71- 707071282 6 71-73 72 67283 -5 7071 7369283 5 70- 74-70-69283 -5 69- 73-71-70283 -5 71 71-71-70283 5 75- 6969 70283 -5 71- 69 72-71283 -5 7071-71-71 263 -5 70- 71-71-71283 -5 69 67-75 72283 -5 67 73 71-72283 -5 706971 73283 -5 68 71-71-73283 -5 75687368284 -4 72 71 71 70284 4 72- 284 -4 71 70 72 71284 4 70-71-71-72284 -4 70 72-70-72284 -4 707071-73284 -4 6671 72 75284 -4 73- 71-71-70285 -3 756871-71285 3 69 72-72-72 285 -3 -3 70-7 1-68-76 285 -3 70 73-74-69286 -2 6973.73-71286 -2 72 72-72-70286 -2 70- 72-72-72286 -2 71- -2 70.71 76-70287 1 72- 72-72 71287 -I 67-7772 71287 -1 .1 72-71 70 74287 -1 72-72 71 73 268 72-72-69-75288 69-71-69-79288 6 72- 71-74-72289 1 73- 69-7474 290 2 71-73-72-74290 2 69- 73-71-77290 2 70 74-74 73291 3 71-73-76-71291 3 71-72 74-74291 3 68-74-74-75291 3 71-72-73-75291 3 73-69-73-76291 3 70- 74-71-76291 3 71- 72-77-72292 4 71- 71-7576293 5 72- 71-74-79296 8 Larry Mize, $180,000 Fuzzy Zoeller, $108,000 Greg Norman, $68,000 Corey Pov.n. $44,000 Jay Don Blake, $44,000 Steve Elkington, $33,500 Steve lomntgne. $33,500 Fred Funk. $33,500 Neol Lancaster, $27,000 David Toms, $27,000 Payne Stewart, $27,000 John Flannery. $23,000 Fied Couples, $20,000 Jim McGovern, $20,000 Hal Sutton, $16,500 Tom Watson.

$16,500 John Huston, $16,500 Wayne Levi. $16,500 Andrew Magee. $10,875 Willie Wood. $10,875 Joy Haas. $10,875 Rocco Mediate.

$10,875 Dudley Hart. $10,875 Steve Pate. $10,875 Crtug Stodler. $10,875 Jim Woodward. $5,992 Ed Fkxi.

$5,992 Russ Cochran. $5,992 lanny Wodkins, $5,992 Mark Brooks. $5,992 Ted Trybo, $5,992 Peter Jocobsen, $5,992 Steve Lowery. $5,992 Skip Kendall. $5,992 Mark Mearo.

$5,992 Dovrs Lave III, $5,992 John Inmon, $5,992 Scott Gump, $5,992 Joel Edwards. $3,600 Ed Dougherty, $3,600 John Cook. $3,600 Mork McCumber. $3,600 Brad Bryant, $3,600 Lenme Clements, $3,600 Tom Swckmonn. $3,600 Paul Goydos.

$3,600 Kirk $2,544 Buddy Gardner. $2,544 Kerth Clearwater, $2,544 Phi Mickelson, $2,544 Kenny Perry, $2,544 Ian $2,304 Peter Persons, $2,304 Jrmmy Johnston, $2,304 Dowd Ogrm. $2,304 David Peoples, $2,304 Trevor Dodds. $2,200 Bobby Clompett, $2,200 Dennis Timler. $2,200 Dave Barr.

$2,200 Jeff Sluman. $2,200 Gil Morgan, $2,120 Lance Ten Broeck. Biad Faxon, $2,120 J.C. Anderson, $2,080 Kelly Gibson, $2,040 Michael Bradley, $2,040 Tim Conley, $2,040 Chip Beck, $1,940 Marco Dawson, $1 Croig Parry. $1 ,940 Bob Tway.

$1 .940 GronlWaile. $1,940 Mike Weir, $1,940 Michael Allen, $1 ,940 Dillaid Prurtt, $1 ,860 Perry Moss, $1,840 Steve Brady. $1,820 i 0 Joel Lindgren made the team for the first time by finishing fourth in 18.44. The race was won by Floyd Landis of Pennsylvania, followed by Salt Lake City's Jeff Osguthorpe, the defending national and world champion. The U.S.

national team will compete next month in the world championships in France. TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) Two Helena cyclists have qualified for the U.S. mountain bike racing team. Mark Aagenes made the team for the second straight year by finishing third in the national championships here Saturday, finishing the 26-mile race in 2 hours, 18 minutes and 24 seconds.

Dnriaaon 123 4 3 3 0 0 Solottian 2 2 0 0 0 1 HBP DunvraKhar (by Davidson) WP Moaaa. PB Bofca 3. 2:09. A 535. Mustangs 3, Mounties 0 Billings ab biLethbridga ab bi Sexton ss 2 1 1 lA.Browncf 3 0 0 0 Ashton 2b 3 0 1 ISeguraaa 3 0 0 0 Gann3b 2 0 0 OCordovatl 3 0 2 0 Oyasrl 2 0 0 0W Brown rt 2 0 0 0 Bakoc 3 0 0 0Baugh3b 3 0 0 0 Watkinad 3 0 1 OYsetnialb 2 0 10 Thomaslf 3 1 2 OBnnziorJh 10 0 0 Eddie lb 3 0 0 ORieoerc 3 0 0 0 Bakardh 2 1 1 0Kaate2b 2 0 0 0 Totaia 23 3 I 2Totata 22 0 3 0 Billings 0030000-3 Lethbridge 0000000-0 Ftetber.

DP Billings 2. Lethbridge 1. LOB Billings 2. Lethbridge SB Ashton. BllUnga IP ER BB SO Sullivan W.1-0 7 3 0 0 2 8 Uthbridge IP ER BB SO Dillinger L.1-7 7 6 3 2 3 8 HBP Bonifazio 2 (by Sullivan).

WP Sullivan. PB Reiber. Pioneer linescores Sunday Jays 5, Dodgers 1 First gome Great Falls 000 001 0 I 3 1 Medone Hat 000 032 5 7 0 Scherfter and Smith, Leystra (7) and Mortinei. Smith (1-0). I Scheffler (3-2.

HRs Great Foils, Anderson Hat, Del-aCtuz 2 (6). Dodgers 4, Jays 3 Second gome Great Falls 000 400 0 4 4 0 MeakoneHat 000 200 1 3 4 1 vukson, Sikes (4), Troutmon (7) and Steed; Sinncs, Kennedy (4), Jeffrey (7) ond Morgan. WS.kes (1-0(. Sinnes (2-2. HRs Great Falls, Davis 4)i Medicine Hat, De la Cruz (7).

Mustangs 6, Mounties 4 Bluings Lethbridge Aksra2b. 0 1 IMiHsef 3 0 0 0 Saltan aa 5 0 1 OSegurasa 4 110 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING Los Angeles. Evans 3-25. Hoberl 2-24. Bell 5-22, Hosteller 3-15.

S.Smith 1-10. Robin, son 1 -8, Green 2-6. Montgomery 2 -(minus 4). San Francisco. Wotters 6-36.

Canley 9-28, Lee 6-19, Carter 6-18. S.Young 1-12. C.Young 3-8. Musgrave 1-7. Ralhmon I -0, Bono 2-minus 2).

PASSING Los Angeles, Hosteller 915 2 101. Evons 9 15-2 83, Hobert 3-4-0 22. San Francisco, Bono 8-12 I 101, Musgrave 4 7 0 103, S.Young 3-40 24, Grbac 2-2-0 24. RECEIVING Los Angeles. Montgomery 3-33.

Hobbs 316, Goult 2-27. Jordan 2 22. Jordan 219, S.Smith 2-16. Brown 2-15. Trmtt 214.

Duff 122, Jeff 112, McCallum 110 San Francisco. Walters 4 57. Walker 2-34, Turner 2-25. Conley 2 24. Lee 2-19.

Rice 219, Aleionder 145, Walls 1. 25, Williams 14. MISSED FIELD GOALS None. Cowboys 13, Lions 13 Dallas 0 6 0 7 013 Detroit 3 0 3 7 013 First Quarter Det FG Hanson 42, 8:48 Second Quarter Dal FG Elliot 34, :04 Dal FG Elliot 19, 14 56 Third Quarter Det-FG Hanson 32, 2:35 Fourth Quarter Dal T.Willioms 53 pass from JaGarrett Elliot kick, 7:02 rT3ra4 Nite Rodeo Codyl Fall sports practice begins Aug. 1 6 Saturday Det Scott 34 fumble return (Hanson kick), 8:42 Bareback John Morgan, Greybull, 70; David Price, Cody, 59.

Sleer wrestling J.O. Jensen, 5.9; Roddy Watson, Manhattan, 5.8. Catf roping Dennis HolsHtod, Conodo, 13.3. Saddle front Troy Stall, Cody, 75; David Prk, levmtown, lb, 70. Team roping Troy Stoll, Jensen, Cody.

7.7. Steer riding Calab Pierce, Cody, 72; Cole Line- bowch, Cody, 66. Novice barrels Tiffany Curtis, Cody, 19.3. Ladies borrefs Jennifer Rhinehart, Cody, 18.3; Mondy Rollmon, Cody, 18.4. Bull riding Justin Vtckers, Cody, 72; David PY-ce, Levnitown, 71 A 43,522.

Dal Det First downs 22 11 Rushes-yards 35-92 26-91 Passing Yords 370 101 Return Yords 149 55 Comp-Alt-Int 38-56-2 16-29-0 Athletes: Must have physicals and pay fees beforehand completed, reason out, if any, and winner averoge speed tn mph. Monday's sports on TV shtp. Early rounds from Cincinnali. (Live) 581441 AFTERNOON USA WWF: Monday Night Raw 354064 gj ESPN Pre Beach Volleyball Four-Women Tour. From Pittsburgh.

(Taped) 176248 8:00 PSN Transworld Sport krtema- lionat sports news and highlights. 59489 (gl ESPN Surfing Pre Tour. From Hun- $35 and cross country $20. Mouthpiece fittings for football for all three schools are at 7 p.m. on Aug.

16. For the four middle schools, football fittings are Aug. 31 at 7 p.m. Dates for football intrasquad scrimmages have been set for Daylis Stadium. Skyview will run its scrimmage at 7 p.m.

on Aug. 26 and West's will be Aug. 27 at 7 p.m. Senior's is at 10 a.m. on Aug.

28. West is the only local team to open the season at home. The Golden Bears will play Great Falls at 7:30 on Sept. 3. There will be a cross country meet on Friday, Sept.

3, at 4 p.m., at Riverfront Park. Three games highUght the home girls basketball schedule for the first weekend. Senior plays at Central and Bozeman is at Skyview on Sept. 3. West takes on Skyivew on Saturday.

All varsity games begin at 7:30. High school football, girls basketball and cross country athletes will begin their fall practice sessions on Monday, Aug. 16. All athletes at Billings Senior, Skyview and West must have a physical and must pay all activity, practicipation and equipment fees prior to starting practice. Fees at Senior include $65 for football and $20 for both girls basketball and cross country.

Football players at Skyview will play $23.75, plus a jersey. Fees for cross country are $51.50 and $21.50 for girls basketball. At West, football fees are $23.75, plus jersey; basketball is 298809 4:30 ESPN Up dose 287793 5:00 PSN Canadian Sportfiihing 34606 Zs ESPN Sporttcenter 569809 5:30 2J PSN Windsurfing World Professional. (R) 76170 181 ESPN Best of American Musde 201373 EVENING 6:00 (D KSVT NR Preseason Foot- bal Cleveland Browns at Washington Redskins. From R.F.K.

Stadium. (In Stereo lire) 416422 PSN Rugby World 28170 Cg) ESPN Water Skiing World Tour. From St. Paul. Minn.

(Taped) 533593 AUGUST 9, 1993 MORNING 5:00 IS) ESPN (R) 765422 5:30 (31 PSN EquMtrian Kenludty Three-Day Event. (R) 686719 6:00 S3 ESPN Spc4tKHilr (R) 698170 6:30 PSN asi Soar Portland Pride at Son Diego Sockers. Prom the San Diego Sports Arena. (R) 592441 1:00 S3 (USA Amasrican GMicrten 556996 SS ESPN SfMTticenrer (R) 222286 9:00 IS) PSN High Prre Skoteborxcting. (R) 81151 9:30 PSN ATP Tour Magazine 16335 10:00 IS PSN Tennk Volvo Tottmoment Msn'f Ftncsh.

From lot Angeles. (R) 36199 11K SS ESPN Tennis ATP, Owmpion- 634373 11:00 13) PSN Motor Sports How (R) 22557 12:00 19 PSN Arrwrkan Adventurer Weekly mogazine featuring octventu-rous sports and activities audi as rock climbing, white-water rafting ond sky diving. 386872 12:30 PSN Canadian SportrUiing 312403 (2) ESPN Sporttcenter 625855 3D CNN Sports Lotenight 41 1229 1:00 PSN Musdesport USA 467107 SD ESPN Up Ooto (R) 900841 1:30 (g) ESPN Senior PGA GoK flank of Boston Classic. Final round from Nashawtuc Country Cktb in Concord, Mass. (R) 488768 2:00 PSN aSl Soccer Portland Pride at San Diego Sockers.

From the San Diego Sports Arena. (R) 331403 3:00 ESPN NFL Yectrbej 12:00 PSN Horaewortd 39286 1:00 tS) PSN MotarSports Hour (R) 15606 ESPN Owckered Hog IndyCar from Brooklyn. Midi. (R) 957335 1:30 (g) ESPN Glory Days (R) 838985 2:00 PSN Powerboat Racing Offshore Pro Tour. From Point Pleasant, NJ.

(Taped) 85538 33) ESPN LPGA Golf McCoys LPGA Classic at Stratton Mourttain. Final round from Stratton Mountam Country Club, VI. (Taped) 197731 3:00 123 PSN Cyde World (R) 13070 4HXI 139 PSN Traneworid Sport Interna' tsoncsl sports news and higririglrti. 91 977 ESPN IWevghbred Digest tmgton Beoch. Calif.

(Taped) 185996 8:30 SI) KWGN Major Leogue Baseball Colorado Rockies at Los Angeles Dodgers. From Dodger Stadium, (live) 796170 9:00 PSN Boxing Stephen Johnson vs. Wiffredo Rivera, (live) 29248 tgi ESPN Basebal Tonight 447248 3D CNN Sparta Tonight 647286 9:30 fg) ESPN Sporttcenter 921151 10:30 3 ESPN Auto locing NASCAR Winston Cup Bud at Glen. From WatlrJra len snlerraNonal, N.Y. (R) 7:00 PSN World Team Biliard Austral-Asian Semifinal.

From Los getes. (ft) 33441.

The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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