a a a a a a a a Farm Surpluses, Aid, Automation Are Points Talked by Democrats Standard, Tuesday, May 3, 1960 Shea Hits 'Automation A candidate for nomination to congress from Montana's western district, Walkerville Mayor James R. Shea, took a slap at automation on railroads. Speaking in Lima, Shea said the "railroad industry is automating thousands of people right their jobs." Shea, who finished second to Rep. Lee Metcalf in the last congressional election, said "we should make determined efforts to protect the men that operate our railroads." Campaigning for the senatorial nomination in Helena, former Gov. John Bonner pledged to "do my best to get new industry into the state." He said he would see to it that we get our share of defense industries, a real highway program and national legislation which will benefit our people and yet not keep imposing additional taxes.
"During my term as governor, the people of this great state did get new industry, he concluded. Anderson Slaps Back Rep. LeRoy Anderson (D-Mont) struck back at Rep. Lee Metcalf's (D press release which criticized the Army for an unfavorable report on his bill to give away part of Fort Missoula. urged the Army to make this unfavorable report, and I agree with it." Anderson said.
He said plans now call for the facility to be used in connection with Civil Defense plans, and that evacuation from as far as Spokane is part of the regional disaster plan. Metcalf and Helena lawyer John Mahan are also entered in the race for the senate nomination. Willard E. Fraser, speaking in Hardin Monday night, said "water should be considered crop just as wheat, sugar beets, cattle other thought of Montana-produced products as Fraser is entered in the Democratic gubernatorial race against Jack Toole, Mike Kuchera, Lt. Gov.
Paul Cannon, John M. Nickey and Merrill Reddick. "Any crop is harvested when it is ripe, and our water crop can only be harvseted in the spring from the melting of winter's snows. He said "our water crop can only be harvested by building dams across our Montana and we should make every possible use of water while it enroute to the sea. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS district, my state and my coun- The problem of farm surpluses, foreign aid, campaign promises automation on railroads came in for action in the Democratic race for the congressional nomination in the June 7 primary election.
At a Day dinner in Lewistown Monday, John Sheehy said the problem of farm surpluses is an accumulation of many years of good crops and better farming practices. "The Benson program," the first district congressional hopeful said, "has not only been shorton surpluses, but has adversely affected the price of wheat to the point that the farmer is now getting only 70 per cent of parity." Another candidate for the Democratic nomination to congrses from Montana's eastern district, Leo Graybill spoke in Lewistown Monday night. Graybill charged "examples of waste recently uncovered in American foreign aid indicates the program needs The Great Falls lawyer called the foreign aid program "a bureaucratic spending game as it now is run. Graybill said foreign aid can never become a substitute for diplomacy and a reliable foreign policy. Dan O'Neill, another candidate for the nomination to eastern district congressman, also spoke in Lewistown Monday.
Q'Neill, Havre businessman, said he has always been hesitant to make a lot of promises during a campaign. nominated and elected," 0'- Neill said, "I do not expect to accomplish the impossible but do expect to devote my time, effort and best thought to duties which I hope and believe will prove advantageous to the people of my Butte Death Notices BENNETTS-Mrs. Lila Bennetts, former I Butte resident, passed away Saturday in Salt Lake City. The remains are expected to arrive in this city Wednesday morning and will be removed to Richards Funeral Home. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
The name of a daughter, Mrs. William 0. Smith of Salt Lake City was omitted from the writeup. Richard Funeral Home 15 19 South Montana Street Telephone 7282 Arlo T. Axelson, Mgr.
GOODLAND The remains of Mrs. Grace Goodland are in the drawing room of White's Funeral Home, from where the funeral will take place this (Tuesday) morning at 11 o'clock with Rev. Elbert Harlow officiating. Interment in Mount Moriah Cemetery. White's FUNERAL HOME RUDY SAYATOVIC 301-11 W.
PARK Phone 6531 BROWN--The funeral of Mrs. Malvey Brown will be held at the chapel of the Duggan Merrill Mortuary this (Tuesday) morning at 8:30. Requiem high mass at St. Patrick Church at 9:00 o'clock. Interment in Mount Moriah Cemetery.
THOMPSON Private funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson will be held at the chapel of the Duggan Merrill Mortuary this (Tuesday) morning at 11:00 o'clock with The Rev. Bert Iddins officiating. Interment in Mount Moriah Cemetery. funeral of Cornelius P.
(Con) O'Neill will be held Wednesday morning at 9:30 at the chapel of the Duggan Merrill Mortuary. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Joseph Church at 10:00 o'clock. Interment in Holy Cemetery. Rosary at the chapel this (Tuesday) evening at 8:00 o'clock for Mr.
O'Neill. Attention: FOE No. 11 all officers and members are requested to be present at the chapel of the Duggan Merrill Mortuary this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 to conduct services for our late member and brother the late Cornelius P. (Con) O'Neill. Duggan Merrill Mortuaries (Air Conditioned Chapels) GEORGE PERRY.
Mgr. Telephone 3239 213 North Montana WAYRYNEN FuneralHome Formerly SHERMAN REED FUNERAL DIRECTORS RAY WAYRYNEN. JOHN LORENZ -PHONE 3221 Daly-Shea MORTUARY HOME 101 S. Y. Idaho St.
Phone 3981 FRANCIS DOLAN-DENNIS F. DOLAN OWNERS National Weather By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS High Low Pr. Albany, clear 60 31 Atlanta, do cloudy 69 48 Anchorage, cloudy 53 40 Bismarck, cloudy 47 35 .02 Boston, clear 62 43 Chicago, clear 74 48. .04 Cincinnati, clear 70 37 Cleveland, clear 65 33 Denver, cloudy 67 39 Des Moines, clear 75 50 Detroit, clear 68 43 .01 Fort Worth, clear 74 51. Honolulu, cloudy 83 68 Indianapolis, 67 37 Kansas City, clear 72 50 Los Angeles, cloudy 72 57 Memphis, clear 68 46 Miami, cloudy 84 76 .75 Milwaukee, clear 72 47 .17 Paul, 63 42 New Orleans, cloudy 70 60 .01 New York, clear 63 42 Omaha, cloudy 76 46 Philadelphia, clear 64 35 Phoenix, cloudy 58.
Pittsburgh, cloudy 63 31 Richmond, clear 65 41 St. Louis, clear 73 43 San Diego, cloudy 65 57 San Francisco, cloudy 56 49 Seattle, cloudy 57 46 Tampa, cloudy M. 68 Washington, clear 66 42 Winnipeg, clear 39 27 Dr. Crane Warns Of Being 'Doubly Damned' "Jesus has a principle of judgment which says, 'How did you treat the least, humblest human being that crossed your path, whether Roman," Negro or or white, Russian, Your treatment of any of these is your treatment of Christ. "The minute you do what your enemy does, you are doubly damned.
"A Christian says, 'This is wrong, no matter who does and we call him a Communist. So spoke Dr. Henry Hitt Crane, Detroit Methodist clergyman who has been a center of controversy, Monday night in Butte High School auditorium. It was his second address in a series of six nightly at 7:45 through Friday. The minister's is sponsored by seven local Protestant pastors.
Their sponsorship came after the Butte Ministers' Assn. canceled its backing. "Jesus said, 'What did you do? to the least of these? Did you feed him? When he was sick, did you heal him? When he was in prison, did you visit Or did you say, 'No, I can't get identified with somebody like Jesus said, 'Inasmuch as you did it or did not do it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it or did not do it to Dr. Crane said. "It is as shatteringly simple as You've got one almighty obligation -the way you treat people.
The essence of all faith is believing that this is God's the clergyman noted. State Personal Income Drops HELENA (AP) Personal in- come continues to decline in Montana. A report by Business Week said purses were fatter than a year ago in all states but four, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa, all farming areas. Despite the vagaries of the weather, personal incomes across the nation in February scored a gain of nearly 7 per cent over February 1959 the biggest annual improvement since before the steel strike. In Montana the magazine said personal, $112,100,000.
income Thi. February was a 4.2 toper cent decrease from the 117 million dollars a year ago, but was up from do January's $105,600,000. From January to February, incomes rose 1.8 per cent nationally, described by Business Week as an ordinary increase under normal conditions, but noteworthy in view of severe weather. Montana's 1953-55 average personal income is $92,300,000. Jehovah's Witness Supervisor Visits Malcome Van Ike, circuit supervisor, is in Butte this week for a visit with the Butte congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
The week's program will begin Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock with a ministry training school, followed by a 30-minute discourse by Mr. Van Ike. Thyme, popular seasoning of today, was used as incense for their temples by the ancient Greeks. FLOWERS For All Occasions LAWRENCE FLORAL 2412 Harrison Ph. 6840 Anaconda Deaths Attention: Anaconda Veterans Organizations.
-Funeral services for 01- iver F. Berg, whose residence was 1003 West 3rd, will be conducted from the Fischer Funeral Home this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. S. M. Kvinge, of Our Saviour Lutheran Church, officiating.
Interment will be in the perpetual care section of New Hill Cemetery, at which place officer's and member's of American Legion Post No. 21 will duct full military graveside rites. con- FISCHER FUNERAL CHAPEL NO NEED TO WEAR A TRUSS That Binds, Cuts, Gouges, Slips and Does Not Hold If you must wear a Truss for Rupture, don't miss this. A Post Card, with name and address, will get you FREE, and without obligation, the complete, modernized Rice Plan of Reducible Rupture Control. Now in daily use by thousands who say they never dreamed possible secure, dependable and comfortable rupture protection.
Safely blocks rupture opening, prevents tormenting escape, without harsh for gouging bulky, cumbersome Trusses, springs or pad pressure. Regardless of how long ruptured, size occupation, or trusses you have worn, TRY THIS, and send your Post Card today to W. S. Rice, Adams, N. Y.
Dept. 567-J Now! Quickly Start Relaxing Jittery NERVOUS TENSION Relax, relax, relax- common, everyday nervousness. and physically--with genuine The fast, tranquilizing and -TRANQUIL tablets. tive-calming action of This new and successful kind of tablets is medication is formulated to inter- safe, taken as dirupt and relieve tension build- rected. Insist on genuine up, anxieties, worries, ALVA tablets.
emotional upsets due to Only $2. Form. Largest Selling America's ALVANo Prescription Tranquilizing Tablets Tranquil Needed AT ALL DRUG COUNTERS GOP Senate Hopefuls Still Pace Party's Campaigning in Montana for, America is headed toward a depression," the Ennis rancher said. Gerard Notes Record The 43-year-old state legislator pointed to the record of the past seven fiscal years under Republican administration showing increases in. job opportunities, a refusal to plunge into deficit's spending, increased home ownership and increased per capita disposable income.
"We can continue this prosperity by electing Republicans state and national office," Gerard said. Montgomery, Morrow Gerard will meet three others in the contest receive the GOP nomination to the U.S. Senate in the June 7 primary election. Others entered in the race are L. A.
(Al) Wilson, Orvin B. Fjare and Fred J. Martin. George P. Sarsfield, seeking the GOP nod for congressman from Montana's western district, announced he is spending Tuesday campaigning in Bozeman.
He said he will also contact voters in Twin Bridges, Sheridan, Virginia City, Ennis and Norris. Sarsfield again emphasized the need for a "sober. appraisal of federal spending with view of reducing taxes." Also entered in the race for Republican congressional nomination from the 1st district are Eugene C. Corner and Tom Collins. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS balanced budget philosophy calls Action in the race for the Republican senate nomination paced the party's campaigning Monday with three hopefuls seeking the voters' approval in Glendive, Heland Hardin.
Senate hopeful Wayne Montgomery charged in Glendive eral bureaucrats, spenders and regulators are buying the selfrespect and freedom of us provincials and using our money to do it." Montgomery is again touring northeastern Montana counties this week. Monday he guest of the Glendive Lions Club. The Lima- Whitehall rancher said "compromise of basic principles is the real threat to A America," and spoke out against what he called the "radical liberals of today who have no faith in the ability of Americans to meet their responsibilities and problems on state and local levels. "Only men of character, conviction and courage, whose dedication to the public surpasses their own ambitions, can meet this threat and turn the tide," Montgomery concluded. Following the luncheon meeting, he drove to Sidney where he will Morrow in Helena Meanwhile, James H.
Morrow, Bozeman lawyer, campaigned in the Capital City where he praised local educational systems. "Every time we have the (Rep. Lee) Metcalf aid to education bill thrust down our throats." lawyer said, "it is a slap in the face to local school board members." 'He praised the hard work and effort that unpaid school boards have done in raising Montana's educational standards to "nearly the best in the nation. "These men and women," he said, "should be given credit for improvements in classroom facilities and in teachers' salaries. To the best of their financial ability, Montanans are providing fine In Hardin Sumner Gerard said the "panic-button pushers in the Democrat party are attempting to make Americans forget the progress that has been made under Republican administration without war and without crippling inflation.
"These critics of the administration would have us believe that unless more federal money is spent for public works, slum clearance than the administration Chessman Dies (Continued From Page 1) er a hand-written codicil to his will, directing that future royalities from his books be used to help finance the campaign against capital punishment. The first of the four books Chessman wrote in his 12" years awaiting execution was "Cell 2455, Death Row." It became a bestseller, was translated into many languages and published throughout the world. The others were less successful, but Chessman's writings were a large factor in the storm of agitation aroused in many lands against his execution. Thousands of persons, many knowing little or nothing of the crimes for which he was condemned, signed petitions and held demonstrations, urging Chessman's life be spared. Opponents Picket Brown Opponents of capital punishment clustered outside the prison gates all Sunday night and until his death, and others engaged Gov.
Edmund G. Brown in debate on the Capitol grounds at Sacramento a few minutes before the execu tion took place. In the end, all were in vain. Gov. Brown, who gave a reprieve that canceled Chessman's eighth execution date Feb.
stated he could do nothing because the California Supreme Court three times recommended against executive clemecy and the court's assent is required for clemency to a twice-convicted felon. Chessman was a felon many times over. He admittedly began his crime career at the age of 14, was first arrested at and had spent 20 of his last 22 years in prisons. A bitter foe of capital punishment, the governor did grant 60-day stay last February, partly because of a State Department warning that execution could cause demonstrations against President Eisenhower during the President's Latin-American tour. At the same time the governor asked the California Legislature to abolish the death penalty.
The governor's bill was killed in committee by an -8-7 vote. Petitions are being throughout the state to get a capital punishment repeal measure put on the November ballot. For Caryl Chessman any such action came too late. After the gas was pumped from the death chamber, Chessman's body was taken to the Harry Williams Mortuary in nearby San Rafael. Tuesday it will be removed to the Mt.
Tamalpais Crematorium, also in San Rafael, and the ashes will be sent to Forest Lawn Cemetery in Glendale, his boyhood home. Miss Asher said in keeping with his final instructions, there would be no funeral services. The prison chaplains said in their last talks with him Sunday night he said he could not accept the idea of religion and at that point "it would be hypocritical." The "London Daily Mirror," with circulation of more than 000,, is the world's largest daily I newspaper. I CLASSIFIED ADS WANT AD LOCAL RATES One-line ads charged 5W0 Ines than monthly orders. 1 Day per line per day 8 Days 200 per line per 1 Days ..180 per line per day Minimum Charge 60c Above rates are for consecutive taser tons witbout change copy.
AD want ads to start and stop to the Montana Standard. Want ads ordered by telephone are septed on memorandum charge advertises only return for this courtesy the expected to remit promptly. Contracts tor lower rates. Non- commercial Person- to-Person rates: lines minimum Two Lines-1 week $2.00. Additional lines $1.00 per week.
Rent oF Bale ads must state price Want ad rates are for publication both the Montana Standard and the Butte Daily Post except Sunday which to full run. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OFFICE 25 W. Granite Phone 5451-5452 BOURS A.M.- P.M. Weekdays and NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES New York, Chicago, Angeles, San Fran disco JANN KELLEY. Ine 3.
Wanted, Miscellaneous TRUCKERS BIDS ARE NOW OPEN FOR ALL TRUCKING for HUGHES HOMES Bids Open May 2, 1960 Bids Close May 7, HUGHES HOMES, Inc. MILE VUE PHONE 2-9141 BUTTE, MONTANA LEGALS into the contract and furnish good and sufficient bond within ten (10) days of the date of award, said check or moneys are to be forfeited to the said public authority. namely, the State of Montana, surety completion bond of at least one hundred per cent of the Contract amount will be required and shall be in force for one (1) year after the acceptance of the work. The Board of Examiners reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities. STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS STATE OP MONTANA By: M.
Wm. McENANEY, Executive Clerk TREASURE STATE INDUSTRIES, INC. Butte, Montana May 1960 NOTICE OP ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Treasure State Industries, Inc. will be held 00 Thursday, the 9th day of June, 1960, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock A.M.. Mountain Standard Time, in the Silver Bow Room of the Hotel Finien, in the City of Butte, Montana, for the following purposes, to-wit: To elect three (3) Directors, each for term of three (3) years, and until their successors are elected and qualified.
2. To receive and if approved. confirm the reports of the officers and directors of the corporation for the year ending 30 April 1960. To consider and if approved, ratify and confirm all of the acts and proceedings of the officers and directors of the company done and taken since the last annual meeting of the stockholders of the corporation. To transact such other and fur.
ther business as may proprely come before the meeting. ONLY STOCKHOLDERS OF RECORD at the close of business out 1 -May 1960 are entitled to vote at the above noticed meeting. W. K. CLARKE.
Plaintiff, JACK C. KELMO, County Treasurer of Silver Bow County, Montana: SILVER BOW COUNTY, body politic and corporate: JAMES LIGGETT, E. J. BYRNE and W. J.
WINTERS. members of the State Board of Equalization Montana: GEORGE POSEY, if living, or the unknown hears devisees of GEORGE B. POSEY, 11 deceased: MRS. GEORGE B. POSEY, 14 such person there be: EDITH M.
SWEET: And all unknown who heirs, devisees of any defendant may deceased and all other persons unknown, claiming, estate or or who interest might claim any right, title, in, or lien or encumbrance upon the real property described in the 8 Complaint, or any thereof, adverse to plaintiffs title thereto, whether such claim or possible claim be present or contingent, including any claim possible claim of dower, inchoate or accrued. MRS. WILLIAM H. SWEET, such person there be; Defendants. ALIAS SUMMONS THE STATE OF MONTANA SENDS GREETINGS TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: the complaint in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to file your answer, and serve copy thereof upon the plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to answer or appear, Judgment will be taken against you by dethe relief demanded in the Complaint, This action brought for the purpose of procuring tax deed from the County Treasurer of Sliver Bow County, Montana, for, and to quiet title to, the lands and premises described and situated in Sliver Bow County, Montana, to-wit: WASHBURN QUARTZ LODE MINING CLAIM Survey No.
9919 In Section 35, Township 4. North Range West: Together with all and singular the lands, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining. WITNESS my hand and the seal said Court this 10th day of April, 1960. (Court Seal) Clerk of the District Court FRANK GABSE. By A.
MAENPA, Deputy Clerk George, W. Richardson 42. Hirbour Butte, Montana. doe Carpet Cleaners INDEPENDENT RUG UPHOLSTERY Cleaners. 1536 St.
Phone 5667. 25. Plumbing, Heating, Gas Fitting HAVE PLUMBING TOOLS. WILL TRAV. Fraternal Notices A.
F. A. M. 114 8:00 A.M. BUTTE West o'clock.
Regular LODGE Park Masonic NO. communication 22 Cecil Temple, A.F.& at Gibson, W.M.: John W. Hester. Secretary. Sojourning members welcome.
ROYAL ARCH MASONS DEER LODGE CHAPTER NO. 3, REGUlar meeting at 8:00 o'clock. Sigurd E. Wedlin, H.P.: Byron C. Kerr, Secretary.
All companies cordially invited. Work In Most Excellent Master degree. Lunch. Personal Interest (A) Personals FOR SALE WEDDING INVITATIONS 100. $12.60.
Ph. 8128. PORK CHOP SANDWICHES, 50c. R001 Beer. 5c, at E.
E. Drive Inn, Pine and Continental Drive Phone 2-0525. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS PHONE 2-8440 if DO answer dial 3-5353. STUFFER REDUCING PLAN. PHONE 2-8276.
For Flavor Try Butte Beer 2. Lost and Found LOST TITLE TO CAR LAST WEDNESday. Reward. Ph. 9498.
LOST: CHILD'S GLASSES IN RED CASE vicinity Greeley School. Reward. Phone 2-2635. LOST: BOYS GLASSES VICINITY MONtana Theatre. Badly needed.
Call 2- 2769: 4. For Miscellaneous Tools Rented Gribben's SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $5 monthly Singer Center. Ph. 3348. Anaconda.
LO 5. Instructions FOR JOB SECURITY Good Timer or Bad Learn Shorthand in ONLY 6 WEEKS With Speedwriting SPEEDWRITING will qualify you in weeks for a well- paid secretarial position even if prevtously unsuccessful with symbol shorthand! Because 1t uses ABCS no symbols no machines SPEEDWRITING Is easiest to learn most accurate and reltable! SPEEDWRITING secretaries and stenographers are tn top positions everywhere Civil Service and leading business firms prepared for good times OF bad SPEEDWRITING gives you insurance. BUTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE 325 W. Galens Butte, Montana Phone PREPARE FOR A CAREER IN 12 WEEKS! I. B.
REPRODUCING PUNCHER SORTER, WIRING AND OPERATING YOU LEARN BY DOING Automation Accounting is one of AmerIca's fastest growing career fields in government. business and industry. Learn the relationship between traditional sccounting and Modern Automation Accounting. You prepare to serve business In a creative or management capacity. Industry is waiting for its graduates.
Unlimited Opportunities at High Starting Salaries. Above average wages. Rapid advancement. Immediate Opportunities Professional Status. Future Security.
Free Placement Service. APPROVED, TRAINING FOR VETERAN FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE BUTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE, INC. 325 West Galena Phone 9-2391 Butte, Montana CLIP AND MAIL TODAY Yes. send me copy of your booklet which explains opportunities in automation. without obligation.
Name Address City Phone Business Services (B) 12. Transfer and Storage Christie Mayflower and Local lone distance moving. Phone 5417. Kitto's Transfer Ph. 5405 Purniure moved anywhere to 0.8.4.
13. Painting- Papering 7 M. WONNACOTI. GENERAL PAINT ing and paper hanging Phone 9-8628. 14.
Carpenters KNUCKEY New ur General modeling, floor sanding. Phone 8319. MAC'S CARPENTER SERVICE 2-8385. Construction Ca. O'CONNELL 113 N.
Hamilton Ph. 5514. New or remodeling. Free Fritz Apostel modeling. Floor sanding.
cabinets. FHA 10888. CAHILL-MOONEY Construction General Construction Now or remodeling by experienced penters Phone 4368. BUILDING, REMODELING REPAIRS. Guaranted workmanship.
Ph. 2-8735. CLEAN-UP WEEK SPECIAL Call K. P. Barrett to do that special Job now.
Reside in lifetime sidings, modernize windows, reroof, ad an extra room. Phone 2-9729. 15. T.V. and Radio Service Stu's TV Repair Service Ph.
2-0752 16. Roofing Contractors ROOFING AND ROOFING MATERIALS Southside Hardware SULLIVAN radiators. 304 ROOF 8. CO. Montana.
TIN SHOP Ph AUTO ROOFS All types of rootins, Cons. including proofing. Membrane Phone 4368. waterproof and damp Cast Front FRITZ APOSTEL CONST. 17.
Plastering and Cement BROS. PR. 2-4803. SIDE walks. plastering, cement work.
JOLLEY GOODY CONSTRUCTION CO. Plastering, cement. Ph. 2-9574 or 5780. 18.
Carpet Cleaners MONTANA RUG A ND UPHOL Cleaners, 1170 Evana. Phone 2-5405, ET SERVICEMASTER Professional carpet and upholsters cleaning. Free estimates, Ph. Employment (C) 27. Male Help CONTR.
TREMN. MAKE WITH MAY. Flower van. Apply Box 107 Indpis. FULLER BRUSH cO.
WILL HAVE openings in Western Mont. $125 weekly. Must be married, have car. Bondabie. Ph.
3866 for appointment. EARN MONEY AFTER SCHOOL. MAKE those free hours pay. Part or full time. See Mr.
Lanning, 214 Silver Bow weekdays between 3 and WANTED: 2 JOURNEYMEN MECHANICS. Prefer men with Ford experience, Union shop with excellent working conditions, Only clean sober, first-class men need apply. Address inquiries to Service Manager, Box 1548. Great Falls. Ambitious Boys-18-24 Have several openings for single, neat, free to travel west coast, Hawaii and California, no experience necessary.
We train you. $250 month to start, immeddiate expenses advanced. Apply Mrs. can, Grand Hotel, THURSDAY ONLY, 2 to 6 p.m., no phone calls, BOYS WANTED TO SELL BUTTE DAILY POST ON STREET CORNERS Livewire hustler can make from 50c to $1.25 per day. See street sale distributor at Post Building any be tween 3:30 and 4:00 p.m.
MARKETING RESEARCH Lead, Zinc Subsidy Advances in House WASHINGTON (AP) A proposed subsidy for small producers of lead and zinc was approved Monday by a House Mining subcommittee. In approving a measure to authorize the subsidy, the committee defined small producer as those producing not more than 2,000 tons of lead or 2,000 tons of zinc in any 12-month period. Payments would be made by the Interior Department on sliding scale designed to give the producers a return as if the price of the minerals were cents pound for zinc and 17 cents for lead. Maximum cost of the program was estimated at 12 million dollars a year based on existing prices of 12 and 15 cents a pound for lead and zinc, respectively. Finlens Seeking Refund of Tax MISSOULA (AP) Trial opened court in the suit of James T.
and Ruth Finlen, formerly of Butte, for a refund of income taxes they claim they overpaid the government. The case was brought against Frank J. Healy, district director of Internal Revenues for Montana. Presiding at the trial is Judge George H. Boldt of Tacoma.
Finlen was the first witness. The case is being tried without a jury. LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 16.704 ESTATE OF ANN HEMMIL. aka ANN E.
HEMMIL, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administratrix of the estate of Ann Hemmil, also known Ann Hemmil, deceased; to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers. within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said administratrix at 62 West Broadway, Butte. Montana, the same being for the transaction of the bustDess of said estate, in the County of Bilver Bow. State of Montana, Dated Butte, Montane, this 20th day of April, 1960.
LEONA HEMMIL, Administratrix of the Estate Ann Hemmil, aka Ann E. Hemmil, Deceased, MoCaffery, Roe, Kiely Joyce, John L. Peterson. 62 West Broadway. Butte, Montana, Attorneys for Administratrix.
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT, OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SILVER BOW No. 16,688 In the Matter of the Estate of PHILLIP FRANK LAURANDEAU, Deceased. -NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given by the underExecutor of the Last Will and Testament of Phillip Frank Laurandeau. deceased.
to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within four (4) months after the first publication of this Notice, to the said Executor at the law offices of Poore. Poore McKenste, 404 Silver Bow Block, Butte, Montana, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the County of Silver Bow, State of Montana. Dated at Butte, Montana, this 15th day of April, 1960. TORGER LAURANDEAU OAAS, Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Phillip Frank Laurandeau, Deceased. Poore, Poore McKenzie, 404 Silver Bow Block, Butte, Montana.
Attorneys for ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the State Board of Examiners st their office in the Capitol Building, Helena, Montana. on May 11, 1960, (10:00 a.m.) for all labor and materials required for the 1960 Boiler Plant Addition the Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana, in accordance with plans and apecifications on file in the office of the Board of Examiners, Capitol Building, Helena, Montane. All bids shall be on the printed forms attached to and made part of the proposed Contract Documents, The spectfications and contract documents may be obtained from the offices of R. L. PRUSSING ENGINEERS, 201 Building, Billings, Montana.
Each bid proposal shall be required to have from the Montana State Board of Equalization in classification that will allow the bidder to execute the Contract. The bid proposal shall be enclosed in An envelope addressed to the undersigned and clearly marked acrOSS the face of the envelope, "BID FOR 1960 STATE BOILER PLANT COLLEGE, ADDITION, MONTANA BOZEMAN, MONTANA." Each bid must be accompanied with either (1) lawful moneys of the United States, or (2) cashier's check. certified check. bank mopey order, or bank draft, in any case drawn and issued by a national banking association located in the State of Montana, or by any banking corporation incorporated under (3) the bid laws of the State of Montana, a bond. or bonds executed by surety corporation, authorized to do business in the State of Montane.
The moneys, bank or in 'lieu of moneys, any of instruments or bid. bonds shall be payable directly to the public authority soliciting or advertising for bids and must be in An amount of it least five per cent of the total bid including additive alternates, Said security shall be into guarantee that the bidder will contract, and contract awarded the Internationally known firm, ognised as the leader in their field for many years has. several openings in ita expanding field department. Single men and married men out children 24-31 years of see with two or more years of college tion and interested in Marketing search will find this work the tunity they have been seeking. The stability of the drug and food Industry Insures career for men with ambition and initiative.
Men selected will receive six montha training in Chicago at full salary, We have an established polley of sale ary increases, at regular intervals, after training is completed. This not sales position but CAR IS REquired. Car allowances and travel penses furnished upon assignment to territory. Eventual assignment may be anywhere in the United States. INTERVIEWING WILL BE DONE MAY 10-18 In reply give AGE, EDUCATION, WORK EXERIENCE.
SALARY PECTED, MILITARY STATUS, PHONS NUMBER AND ADDRESS. WRITE BOX 127 STANDARD-POST RADIO-TV MARKETING RESEARCH Internationally known company has openings publie contact work in its Radio TV Division, The work is interesting, requires men who can assume responsibility and show initiative, This is permanent position with advancement based upon performance. No selling. Eventual assignment may be anywhere in the United States. Liberal salary, travel expenses and remunerative features.
Opportunity for salary increases every six months. Car furnished for company and personal driving. Paid vacations, complete insurance program and retirement benefits. Men should be approximately 26-33 years of age and have some mechanical aptitude. Two or more years of college or equivalent desirable.
In reply, please give age, family details, summary of cation and work experience, salary earned, address and phone number for interview in the near future. WRITE BOX NO. 128 STANDARD POST 28. Salemen Wanted FOR THE SALES-MINDED MAN! We have 1 permanent sales position open with guaranteed salary plus commission. benus and all transporta.
tion furnished. We will train you if you have the following qualifications: Neat appearing, willing to work and bondable. PHONE 3348 Evenings Call 2-5265 30. Female Help EXCELLENT OPENING FOR lenced stenographer, high wages, good working conditions. Apply Corette, Smith and Dean, 4th floor, Professional Bide.
SPECIAL $5.00 Permanent Wave McCarroll's Ph. 9-1808 SECRETARY NEEDED. QUALIFICI tions: Typing, some shorthand, able to post and balance journal. Double entry booking system in use. Bor Standard-Post.
Attention, Girls-18-24 Have several openings for single, nest, free to travel west coast, Hawaii and California. All chaperon groups. no ex perience necessary. We train you. month to start, Immediate expenses advanced.
Apply Mrs. Duncan, Grand Hotel, THURSDAY ONLY, 8 to 0 p.me no phone calls. 33. Situations Wanted Male TREES -COLORADO SPRUCE, Misce, RIVER 1827 birch, maples, Elm. Ph.
We weld all joints ad 1060- tion. Ph. 2-6061. TREES REMOVED Clay Jayden. 76..