This Day, June 17, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin – All #ourCOG News (2024)


397: Roman Emperors Arcadius and Honorius issue the followingorder "The governors must be informed that, upon receipt of this notice,all insults attacking the Jews shall be averted and that their synagogues shallremain unmolested." This protection for Synagogues was not a sign ofPhilo-Semitism. Even with the rise ofChristianity, the Emperors were concerned about maintain order in the Empireand allowing mobs to attack Jewish buildings would undermine their authority.

397: Roman Emperors Arcadius and Honorius issued a decree saying,"If Jews are harassed by a criminal charge or by debts then pretend thatwant to be subject to Christian law in order to avoid the criminal charges ordebts by taking refuge in the church, they must be driven away. They cannot bereceived as Christians until they pay off all their debts or have been clearedof criminal charges.” As Christianitytook on the trappings of a state-religion, some Jews sought to avoid payingdebts by pretending to be Christians.Again, in the name of public order, the imperial system could nottolerate such behavior.

827: An invasion force of 10,000 Muslims invaded Sicily with theintention of taking control of the island; a goal when accomplished did notnegatively impact the Jewish community which dates back to the first century ofthe Common Era when they probably arrived as slaves during the Rebellionagainst Rome.

845: At a synod at Meaux, King Charles the Bald rejected theanti-Jewish policies of TheodboldusAmulo, the Archbishop of Lyons.

1025: Boleslaw I the Brave, first king of Poland, passed away.There were reports of Jews living in Poland during the time Mieszko I,Boleslaw’s father. Jews were reported to have been living in Gniezno, Poland’sfirst capital during the 10th and 11th century whichincluded the reign of Boleslaw.

1239: Birthdate of KingEdward I known as “Longshanks” and famed for the “Model Parliament.” He is known to American filmgoers as the Kingwho tortured and killed William Wallace.In Jewish history, he is the monarch who expelled the Jews from hisrealm in 1290, having extracted every economic advantage from them that waspossible. Jews would not return as acommunity until the final days of the Tudors.

1242: At the decree of Pope Gregory IX and King Louis, all copiesof the Talmud were confiscated in Paris. Declaring that the reason for thestubbornness of the Jews was their study of the Talmud, the Pope called for aninvestigation of the Talmud that resulted in its condemnation and burning.Twenty-four cartloads of Hebrew manuscripts were publicly burned. Rabbi Meirwas an eyewitness to the public burning of the twenty-four cartloads ofTalmudic manuscripts (and he bewailed this tragedy in his celebrated"Kina" Shaali serufah (שאלי שרופה) which is still recited on Tisha B'Av.

1244: According to one source the above captioned happened ErevShabbat Chukath, 5004

1291: Today, the Mamluks under the command of al-Ashrff Kahlilcaptured Acre which had been defended by the Knights Templar and after theinhabitants had fled, the victors looted the city after which they destroyedthe fortifications.

1462: Vlad III the Impaler attempted to assassinate Mehmed IIforcing him to retreat from Wallachia. Fortunately for the Jewish people, theattempt on his life failed. When Mehmed conquered Constantinople he was warmlygreeted by the city’s Jews. Over theyears, he welcomed Jews fleeing from Europe and urged them to settle in hisdomain. The Jews were so grateful thatthey even formed a regiment called “The Sons of Moses” to fight under Mehmed’sbanner.

1501:John I Albert (or Olbracht in Polsih) passed away. In1495 King Jan I Olbracht transferred Krakow Jews to the nearby royal city ofKazimierz, which gave rise to its once bustling Jewish quarter and a majorEuropean center of the Diaspora for the next three centuries. With time itturned into virtually separate and self-governed 34-acre Jewish Town, a modelof every East European shtetl, within the limits of the gentile city ofKazimierz. As refugees from all over Europe kept coming to find the safe havenhere, its population reached 4,500 by 1630.

1590: In Lisbon, Estevainha Gomes of Faro was burned at the stakeby the Inquistion. The first records of Jews living in Faro dates from thereign of Alfonso III in the 13th century. Descendants of the FaroJewish community were among the first members of Bevis Marks Synagogue inLondon.

1696: John III Sobieski, King of Poland, passed away. John III Sobieski is best remembered ascommander who defeated the Turks at Vienna.According to tradition, the first bagels were baked by Jewish bakers inVienna to commemorate the victorious charge by the Polish cavalry. The bagel was shaped to look like a stirrup(key equipment for cavalrymen) and one of the first one baked was given to JohnIII. Modern day scholarship haschallenged the legend, but the legend lives on.

1703: Today an affidavit was given by Lewis Gomez as to goodsimported by Joseph Nunes.

1731: At an auto-de-fe in Lisbon four men and eight women werecondemned. A majority of the 12 were burnt at the stake. On this particularSunday four men and eight women were present at the auto-de-fe of Lisbon. Amajority of them were burned alive. A total of 71 other persons were sentencedat this event.Duarte Navarro, an 83 year old New Christian, was amongthose condemned for Judaizing.

1756: Birthdate of Tobacconist Isaac Abrahams, the New York bornson of Abraham Isaac Abrahams and husband of Catherine Pollock.

1756: Birthdate Dr. Isaac Abrahams the New York Born son AbrahamIsaac Abrahams, who in 1774 became “the first Jewish graduate of King’sCollege” and husband of Rachel Nathan whom he married in Philadelphia onNovember 4, 1778.

1758(11th of Sivan, 5518): Parashat Beha’alotcha readas British troops position their batteries for the assault on Fort Louisburg duringthe Seven Years War/

1761: In Nancy, France, 22-year-old Jacob Alexandre was sentencedto be hanged for receiving communion.Alexandre was Jewish and had violated the canon law that “barsnon-Christians from receiving communion.” On appeal, Alexandre’s sentence wascommuted to a lifetime in the galleys.Apparently, Alexandre was a near-do well who thought that as an apostateJew he would be will taken care of by the Catholics. While he took on their manners and customs,he tried to have the best of both worlds by not actually converting, a factthat caught up with him and proved to be his undoing.

1764: In Amsterdam, Abraham Emden and Martha Van Minden gave birthto Eliaser Abraham Emden.

1768(2nd of Tammuz, 5528): During the Cossack Uprising,Jews and Poles fought alongside each other as the siege of Uman began; a siegethat would end with the Jews being massacred following their betrayal by thePoles.

1775(19th of Sivan, 5535): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1775: The Battle of BunkerHill (which actually took place at Breed’s Hill) fought on this date shows thatAmerican troops can stand against British professionals. Aaron Solomon was among the volunteers braving the Britishassaults. In 1823, prominent Bostoniansestablished a committee to build a monument to honor the American “moral”victory. It would take twenty years toraise the funds and actually build the Bunker Hill Monument. Famed Jewish businessman, veteran of theBattle of New Orleans, and philanthropist, Judah Turo donated the amazing largesum (for the early 19th century) of ten thousand dollars to thiseffort.

1783: “A document requesting civil rights’ for the Jews was givento Josef II when he visited Czernowitz today – a request that was denied.

1786: In Savannah, GA, “David N. Cardozo, a member of theSephardic Jewish mercantile community who had served in the South Carolinamilitia during the American Revolution” and an “unidentified woman” gave birthto “economist and journalist Jacob Newton Cardozo.”

1802: Birthdate of Hermann Mayer Salomon Goldschmidt, the Germanborn French astronomer and painter who discovered “shadow bands in total solareclipses” and received the “Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society” forhaving discovered a record number of asteroids.

1802: Jacob Marks and Hannah Alexander were married today at theGreat Synagogue in the United Kingdom.

1804: In Easton, PA, Isaac Nunez Cardozo, the Long born son ofAaron Nunez Cardozo and Sarah Nunez Cardozo and his wife Sarah Cardozo gavebirth to Esther Nunez Cardozo.

1807: M.J. Bing writes to Nathan Rothschild asking that Nathandeal directly with him and not through his father.

1808: In Kristiansand, Norway, Nicolai Wergeland, who was opponentof letting Jews living in Norway and his wife gave birth to Henrik Wergelandwho started out agreeing with his father but had a change of heart and led thefight for repealing the clause in the constitution that kept Jews from settlingas citizens in Norway.

1811: Mordechai Manuel Noah(a Sephardi) accepted theappointment as American Consul General at Tunis, "supported as I shouldwith the wealth and influence of forty-thousand residents." Noah was thefirst Jew to be appointed to a diplomatic post by an U.S. President. The President was James Madison.

1811: Birthdate of Adolphe Philippe, the native of Paris whogained fame as dramatist and author Adolphe Philippe d’Ennery.

1813: Moses Levy and Elizabeth Jacobs were today at the WesternSynagogue in the United Kingdom.

1816: In Kovno, Rabbi Tzemach Sachs and his wife gave birth toRusso-French Hebrew scholar Senior Sachs.

1825(1st of Tammuz, 5585): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1829: Birthdate of German rabbi and historian. Meyer Kayserling. Born in Hanover, Hewas educated at Halberstadt, Nikolsburg (Moravia), Prague, Würzburg, andBerlin. He devoted himself to history and philosophy. Encouraged in historicalresearches by Leopold von Ranke, Kayserling turned his attention to the historyand literature of the Jews of Iberia. n 1861 the Aargau government appointedhim rabbi of the Swiss Jews, which office he held until 1870. During hisresidence in Switzerland, he argued in favor of civil equality for hiscoreligionists, both then and later facing the charges brought against them. In1870 he accepted a call as preacher and rabbi to the Jewish community ofBudapest. Kayserling was a member of the Royal Academy in Madrid, of theTrinity Historical Society, and others. He died at Budapest in 1905.

1832: Birthdate of Abraham Cohn,the native of Prussia who was an American Civil War Union Army Sergeant Majorand recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor “for having distinguishedhimself at the Battle of the Wilderness, Virginia …and the Battle of theCrater, Petersburg, Virginia…”

1834: Moses Schoenfeld and AmalieMale Marcus Schoenfeld gave birth to Meyer Schoenfeld the brother of SalomonSchoenfeld; Philip Schoenfeld and Raphael Schoenfeld

1834: After three days, a pogrom inSafed came to an end leaving much of the Jewish “homeless, distraught” andimpoverished.

1836: A day after she passed away,Gila bat Yehud was buried today at “Brompton (Fulham Road) Jewish Cemetery.

1838: In Prague Elisabet Faundersbecomes Elisabet Popper when she married Isaias Popper.

1840: Israel Mombach marriedCatherine Hyams at the Great Synagogue

1843:In Greater London, Moses AaronJessel, the London born son of Aaron and Maria Theresa Jessel and his was wifeElizabeth Jessel gave birth to Amelia Jessel who became Amelia Sawyer when shemarried Edmund Joseph Sawyer.

1844: In Paris, Joseph Derenbourgand his wife gave birth to Orientalist Hartwig Derenbourg.

1845: Twenty-six-year-old Hermann“Hirschell” Bodenheimer, the son of Emanuel and Johanna Bodenheimer marriedElise “Elka” Hisrchfelder, with whom he had eight children – Jakob, Fanny,Pauline, Emanuel, Wilhelmine, Moritz, Bertha and Salomon

1846: French native Lion Lion married RosineBing-Jacob at the Great Synagogue in the United Kingdom.

1847: GraceAguilar, her brother Emanuel and their mother Sara left to catch a steamer thatwould take them to Ostend where her brother had arranged for her to seekmedical treatment for her depression and headaches.

1848(16th of Sivan,5608): Parashat Nasso

1848: During “the Revolutions of1848, in the Austrian Empire,” at least seven people were killed and fifty morewere injured in the Massacre in Běchovice.

1852(30th of Sivan,5612): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz observed as Franklin Pierce and Winfield Scott soughtto be elected President of the United States.

1854: In Dayton founding of B’naiYeshurun which holds services on Friday evening and Saturday morning; religiousschool on Saturday and Sunday; is supported by a Ladies’ Hebrew Relief Societyand owns “a cemetery two miles southwest of the c

1856 “Who are Jews?” publishedtoday explained that whenever the term Jew is used “in our police reports orelsewhere in the Times” it is not a reference to the religion of thosedescribed but “solely the designation of their nationality.”

1856: The Republican Party opens its 1stnational convention in Philadelphia. TheRepublican Party included a strong abolitionist strain; the party adopted astance of opposing the expansion of slavery into the Western territories. The party nominee was John C. Fremont and theparty slogan was free soil, free men, Fremont.Many Jews were drawn to the party because of its anti-slavery stanceincluding Moritz Prinner who edited a German-language abolitionist paper instrife torn Kansas. Prinner was joinedat the 1860 Republican convention by other Jews including Lewis NaphtaliDembitz, uncle of future Supreme Court Justice Louis Dembitz Brandies whonominated Lincoln and Sigismund Kaufman of New York. Abraham Jonas of Illinoiswas another early member of the Republican Party and served as one of Lincoln’scampaign managers in 1860.

1858: Isaac and Julie JudithJosephine Mautner gave birth to Eugenie Jenny Sarah Schur

1859: New York Rabbi Morris JacobRaphall officiated at the consecration of the United Hebrew Congregation’s newbuilding which was located on 6th Street between Locust and St.Charles streets. Founded in 1837,historian Jonathan Sarna describes it as the oldest synagogue west of theMississippi River.

1862: Isaac H. Philipps of CompanyF of the 36th Regiment completed his service in the Union Army

1863(30th of Sivan, 5623): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz observedas Confederate forces under General Lee continue their “second invasion of theUnion” heading for Pennsylvania.

1864: It was reported today that The Misses Silverstone of Exeter,Honiton lace manufacturers, had moved to 29, Paradise Street, Birmingham.”

1865(23rd of Sivan, 5625): Parashat Sh’lach

1865(23rd of Sivan, 5625): Forty-five-year-old JacobWashington Cromelien, the New York born son of David and Henriette Cromelienand the husband of Albiona Wartenby passed away today after which he was buriedin the Mikveh Israel Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA.

1866: In “Achim, Germany, Abraham and Emma Auerbach” gave birth toKansas City, MO businessman Henry A. Auberbachm, the husband of RosineAuerbach.

1868: In Kalwaria, Russian Poland, Mordecai L. Frank and Brocha R.Bernstein gave to Simcha Pawil Frank, who taught “classes in Jewish literatureand religion at the Educational Alliance in New York and was the author ofnumerous articles published in both the Jewish and secular press” on “subjectsdealing with the Bible and religion.

1869: Birthdate of Swiss born and educated William Dreyfus, the“chief chemist of the West Disinfecting Company and chairman of the NationalAssociation of Insecticide and Disinfectant Manufacturers.

1871(28th of Sivan, 5631): Parashat Sh’lach

1871: William H. Seward, the Secretary of State under AbrahamLincoln who had been contender for the Presidency spent part of Shabbat inJerusalem at the Huvra Synagogue which he described as “a very lofty edifice,surmounted by a circular dome and where, as he sat “in the chief seat in thesynagogue” he heard “a prayer for the President of the United States, and athanksgiving for the deliverance of the Union from its rebellious assailants[the just-concluded Civil War]” followed by “a prayer of gratitude for Mr.Seward's visit to the Jews at Jerusalem, for his health, for his safe return tohis native land, and a long, happy life.”

1873: In New York City, Lyman Bloomingdale and Hattie Collenbergergave birth to Samuel Joseph Bloomingdale, he husband of Rita Goodman and theColumbia educated businessman who “upon the death of his father in 1905, becamewith his two brothers, owner of Bloomingdale Brothers Department Store.”

1874: Barnet Henry Abrahams married Dinah Zox at the BoroughSynagogue in the United Kingdom.

1876: In Mora, NM, Benjaminand Rosa Lowenstein gave birth to University of Pennsylvania trained electricalengineer, Louis Centennial Lowenstein who was a “consulting engineer,” a memberof the faculty of Lehigh University and the husband of Margaret Lewy.

1877:The Jews in Turkey” published today, traces thehistory of the Jewish population in the Ottoman Empire from the days when theyfirst came to Macedonia during the reign of Alexander the great. Today the Jewish element in the population of Turkey is stronglyrepresented in Macedonia….because” in part“it is the richest quarter of the empire;” More for2014

1878(16th of Sivan, 5638): Seventy-eight year old“physician, poet and writer Aaron Ludwig Joseph Jeitteles passed away today atGraz.

1879: It was reported today that young Richard J.H. Gotthell readan essay at the commencement ceremony of the Temple Emanu-El Preparatory Schoolof the Hebrew College that were being over-seen by his father, the rabbi, Dr.Gottheil.

1880: In Cedar Rapids, Iowa Charles and Ada Van Vechten (who werenot Jewish) gave birth to their youngest son Carl Van Vechten “the literaryexecutor of Gertrude Stein” and portrait photographer whose subject includedMan Ray, Sidney Lumet, Norman Mailer and Beverly Sills

1880: Two days after he passed away, forty-eight year old LeopoldOppenheim, the native of Offenbach was buried today at the “Balls Pond RoadJewish Cemetery.”

1881: “Fashionable” Parisians attended a concert to raise funds toaid Jews living in Russia.

1882(30th of Sivan, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1882: Lewis and Rose Barnet were seriously injured when the felldown the equivalent of 3 stories when the fire escape in their tenement gaveway. The two Austrian born Jews lived onthe 5th floor of a building that housed Kenneseth Israel, acongregation of Polish and Russian Jews.Supposedly the building had been fully inspected and passed without anyproblems. [Unfortunately, accidents likethis were all too typical on the lower East Side and were the result of acombination of shoddy construction and graft.]

1882: In “Oranienbaum, a suburb of Saint Petersburg, FyodorStravinsky a well-known bass at the Kiev opera house and the Mariinsky Theatrein St. Petersburg, and Anna (née Kholodovsky), a native of Kiev, one of fourdaughters of a high-ranking official in the Kiev Ministry of Estates gave birthIgor Stravinsky who to the world was one of the leading composers andconductors of the 20th century but to Jews was also “an admittedanti-Semite.”

1882: Josiah Cohen, a Jewish lawyer living in Pittsburgh, willprobably be selected to be the Republican nominee for an at-large Congressionalseat.

1883: In Russia, Mary Roth and Samuel Feingold gave birth toTrinity and Harvard educated educator and author Gustave Alexander Feingold,the Principal of Bulkeley High School in Hartford, CT and husband of Etta FloraRuffkess.

1883: In Cincinnati, OH. Laura Mack and Henry Newburgh gave girthto Harvard educated medical doctor Louis Harry Newburgh, the husband IreneHaskell and starting in 1922, the Professor of Clinical Investigation at theUniversity of Michigan where he conducted “studies dealing with the relationbetween diet and disease.”

1883: It was reported today that that the Czars coronation isbeing celebrated with balls and galas in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In Kiev andRostov on the Don the celebrations have taken another form – seriousdisturbances including attacks on the Jews of the area.

1884: In Leadville, CO, the Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schloss, prominentJewish leaders of the community hosted a soiree that including chesscompetition in which J.H. Zucketort played six opponents simultaneously. Thevisiting champion won three and lost three.

1884: In “Hraboce, Herman and Sarah (Hubschman) Berger gave birthto New York trained physician Benjamin Berger, the husband of Victoria Brandwho served as an “instructor in dermatology and urology at University andBellevue Hospital Medical College” and “chief of clinic in dermatology at BethIsrael Hospital” while being “actively affiliated with numerous Jewishcharitable and educational institutions.”

1885: “The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France,arrives in New York harbor aboard the Isere.” “The Jewish American poetEmma Lazarus saw the statue as a beacon to the world. A poem she wrote to helpraise money for the pedestal, and which is carved on that pedestal, capturedwhat the statue came to mean to the millions who migrated to the United Statesseeking freedom, and who have continued to come unto this day.”

1886: It was reported today that Levi P. Morton has been chosen asChairman of the Republican County Committee despite his previous statementrefusing to accept the position even if he were chosen to fill it. Friends ofthe Jewish community leader hope to be able to convince him to change his name.

1887: It was reported today that Justice Rhinehart has reservedhis decision in the suit brought by Samuel Colman against Charles Frank, amatrimonial agent who had promised to help him woo and win a young Jewess namedWolf and a counter-suit brought by Frank against Colman for money owed forproviding him help in this matter. [Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match]

1888: It was reported today that Mrs. Katie Levy, the wife ofAlbert Levy, has filed an alienation of affection suit against hermother-in-law, Mrs. Pauline Levy in which she is seeking $50,000 indamages. The younger Mrs. Levy is aRoman Catholic who claims that her mother-in-law has interfered with hermarriage because she wanted her son to marry a rich Jewish girl.

1888: “A Hebrew Charity Ball” published today described the secondannual fund raiser hosted by the staff of the Hebrew Journal for the benefit of the Hebrew Sheltering GuardianSociety.

1888: A partial list published today of those who attended thecharity reception and ball sponsored by the staff of the Hebrew Journal for thebenefit of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society including Coroner Levy, CivilJustice Goldfogle, Judge Steckler, Judge Ehrlich, Judge Pitshke and “SchoolTrustee Fleischauer” as well as members of the Henrietta Verein, the DeborahVerein and the Edward Lasker Literary, Dramatic and Social Circle.”

1888: it was reported today It was reported today that RabbiGottheil of Temple Emanu-El described the later Emperor Wilhelm of Germany as a“noble soul” who was “an ideal ruler…loved by all men.” He saw him as a friend of the Jewish peoplesince he said that “Germany has lost an Emperor…the oppressed a champion andIsrael a true friend. [For those who grew equating Germany with Nazis and theHolocaust, this positive view of Germany and German leaders might come as a bitof a surprise.]

1889: Among the items found inside a chest with a false-bottomthat was being inspected by government agents as it was being unloaded fromHamburg American steamship Gellert were “23 fine seamless woolen shirts” likethose worn by Orthodox Jews.” (Who wouldhave guessed there was such a market?)

1889: In Albany, the Talmud Torah Benevolent Association of NewYork was incorporated today.

1889: In the East End of London, “Nathan Ostrer, a jeweler’ssalesman and his wife Francesca Fanny gave birth to Isidore Ostrer founder ofthe Lothbury Investments Corporation and Ostrer Brothers Merchant Bank whoseloans led them to become active in the motion picture industry.

1891:Le Roy Eltinge, the author of Psychology of War which contained such anti-Semiticpassages as “He doesn’t know what patriotism means”, “the soldiers lot is hardphysical work” which “the Jew despises and “he does not have any of thequalities of a good soldier” – remarks which forced the War Department to orderhim to go over the book and remove all such objectionable portions – began hismilitary career today when he was appointed to the United States MilitaryAcademy at West Point.

1891:In New York City, David and Sarah Aronson Jacobson, gave birth to Edward“Eddie” Jacobson,the resident of Kansas City, MO who became friends with HarryTruman when they served together in France during WW I and ran a haberdasherystore during the early 1920’s who arranged a critical meeting between ChaimWeizmann and Truman that helped pave the way to the United States being thefirst country to recognize the new state of Israel.

1892: It was reported today that the highlight of annualexhibition of the Hebrew Technical Institute was “the twenty-light Edison continuous dynamothat illuminates the laboratory” which was made by last year’s and this year’sgraduates without any outside assistance.

1893: In Brooklyn, Emma Indig and Maximillian Schwarcz gave birthto N.Y. School of Fine and Applied Arttrained artist Dorthea Schwarcz , the wife of Edward S. Greenbaum whom she marriedin 1920.

1893: It was reported today that Jacob A. Schiff and JosephBloomingdale are sending the top five students from the senior class of theHebrew Technical Students – Martin Loewing, Max Goldstein, Louis Wohlgemuth,Albert Finkelstein, and Henry L. Rubovitz – and the two top students in theJunior Class – Samuel Druskin and Solomon Lurie – to the 1893 World’s Fair.

1894: It was reported today the August Bebel gave a speech to theSocial Democratic Party in which he called for Jewish members to play a lesspublic role in public affairs. This waythe party would avoid suffering from the current wave of anti-Semitism. Jewishmembers including Emanuel Wurm and Paul Singer objected to his proposal sayingthat there must be a better way of dealing with “the Jew-baiters.” The matter will be voted on at the nextmeeting of the next Social Democratic Congress.

1894: Ezra Hurwitz, the Lithuanian born son of Nachum and FreidaLeah Hurwitz married Bertha Deutsch, the New York born daughter of Joseph andTheresa Deutsch.

1895: In south Sweden, August and Mathilda Andersson gave birth toRuben Andersson who would gain fame as Ruben Ruasing the founder of Tetra Pak.

1895: Two days after he had passed away, 43-year-old JohanNewmann, the son of Wilhelm Newmann and Priscilla Davis was buried today at theBalls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.

1895: Birthdate of Baltimore native and wholesale grocer Lee LazarDopkin, the President of the Hebrew Home for the Aged.

1896: The upcoming Commencement Exercises of the Hebrew TechnicalInstitute and an outing for members of the Young Folks’ League of the HebrewInfant Asylum were two of the items listed in today’s Coming Events Column.

1896: “Incidents of the Day” included an explanation of why aRabbi was chosen to give the opening prayer at the Republican NationalConvention. The party is split betweenfactions representing the American Protective Association, an anti-immigrant,anti-Catholic organization and delegates who are Catholics. The managers for William McKinley who is theprobable nominee chose a rabbi because the choide of Protestant minister orCatholic priest would have split the Convention. To make matters worse the Rabbi is a Democratand members of his family are active in the local Democratic Party. (Echoes ofthe APA can be heard in the 21st century as the United Statesdebates the immigration issue.)

1896: Morris Rosenwasser, the Warsaw born son of Therese Mohr andI.H. Rosenwasser and President of Rosenwasser Brothers, the New Yorkmanufacturer of boots and shoes who was a member of the Free Synagogue in NewYork married Pearl Mary Cohen today.

1896: In the court at Essex Market, an unidentified lawyer usedthe Hebrew word for “drop dead” when the magistrate said he would not hear anymore cases until 9:30 next morning.Fortunately for the lawyer, the job did not understand Hebrew.

1897: Herzl moves the Zionist Congress to Basel.

1897(17th of Sivan, 5657): Fifty-four-year-old HenryGersoni, Ph.D., the Russian born, German educated teacher and author who wentto Atlanta GA in 1874 to serve as rabbi before accepted a similar position atB’nai Sholem in Chicago passed away today.He left the rabbinate to found the Jewish Advance which he publishedsuccessfully before returning to New York where he worked as a teacher andjournalist.

1897: As of today, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association is reportedto have 1,000 members.

1897: Having already donated a brownstone at 861 Lexington Avenuevalued at $20,000 to the Young Men’s Hebrew Association, Jacob Schiff hasauthorized YMHA President Percival S. Menken to spend an additional $30,000 topurchase property and equipment so it will have a facility that will include ameeting hall, gymnasium and reference library.

1897: Birthdate of Montreal native Lt. Gen. Edeson Louis Millard“Tommy Burns” the Canadian military officer who after his retirement wasclosely involved in the Middle East peace process during the 1950’s and wroteBetween Arab and Israeli published in 1963.

1897: Tonight, the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church completed itsinvestigation of charges of immorality and untruthfulness leveled againstHerman Warszawiak and found him guilty.Warszawiak was a convert who had been conducting a mission on GrandStreet to convert other Jews.

1898: Birthdate of German professor of crystallography CarlHermann. Hermann was a Quaker and a manof rare courage. “When the Nazi Party rose to power, he refused their politicalrestrictions on academic positions, leaving to take a position as a physicistwith industrial dye firm I.G. Farbenwerke at Ludwigshafen, where he continuedhis crystallographic research and studied symmetry in higher-dimensionalspaces. During the war that followed, he and his wife Eva helped many Jews hideand escape persecution and death, for which he himself spent much time inprison and was sentenced to death. As he was an eminent scientist withinfluential friends, the sentence was never carried out, and he survived.

1898(27th of Sivan, 5658): Seventy-seven-year-oldItalian author and bible scholar Moses Isaac Tedeschi passed away today. His autobiography was appended to Simhat ha-Regel a collection ofhomilies and glosses on the Targum to Proverbs

1898: In New York City, “Maurice and Bertha (Cantor) Fishberg”gave birth to Columbia University trained physician Arthur Maurice Fishberg,the husband of Irene Levin who served as the clinical professor of medicine atMount Sinai School of Medical and clinical professor at NYU while conducting“extensive” research into “cardiovascular and renal diseases.”

1898: George M. Appel began serving as a Sergeant with the 1stU.S. Volunteer Engineers during the Spanish American War.

1898: Twenty-four-year-old Detroit businessman Hyman P. Weller,the Austrian born son Shendel and Solomon married Miss Minnie Weiselthier ofBoston today with he raised a son and two daughers.

1898: In Cincinnati, Ohio at the Mound Street Temple, Rabbi IsaacM. Wise is scheduled to confer the degrees at the graduation exercises of theHebrew Union College

1898: In Austria, “gangs of peasants…attacked and plundered theJewish shops at Frysztak near Rzeszow” wounding several Jews.

1899(9th of Tammuz, 5659): Sixty-three-year-old JosefGoldstein who had been chief cantor at the Leopoldstädter Tempel in Vienna,Austria since 1857 passed away today. Cantorial music runs in the family sincehis brother Moritz (Morris) Goldstein who was the cantor at K.K. Bene IsraelSynagogue in Cincinnati, Ohio.

1899: The United Hebrew Charities has told immigration authoritiesthat no expense is to be spared in caring for Julia Lichtner, the 12 year oldyoungster, who became an orphan when her father jumped overboard while theywere returning to New York aboard a White Star liner out of LIverpool. If it can be proven that she really was bornin the United States, she will be classified as a U.S. citizen “and place in ahome where she can be taken care of with money given by passengers” of theship.

1900: Anti-Semitic riots broke out at Komarczyn.

1901(30th of Sivan, 5661): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1901: Birthdate of Miklós Nyiszli the Jewish doctor who survivedAuschwitz.

1902: Birthdate of Samuel E. Feinberg, the native of New York whogained fame as songwriter Sammy Fain who collaborated with Irving Kahal untilthe latter’s death in 1942.

1902: Twenty-seven-year-old NYU trained attorney, the New Orleansborn son of David and Selma Franko Golden who was an advocate for the formationof a public defender office married Mattie Marcoson today.

1903(22nd of Sivan, 5663: Sixty-five-year-old Salomon Mosse theson of Dr. Marcus Mosse and Ulrike Mosse passed away today.

1903: Herzlwrote to Lord Rothschild that there is a chance to get a good piece of landfrom the Sultan

1903:Bendix Rosenwald, the Westphalia born Son of Hermann (aka Isaac) Rosenwald andJeanette David and his wife Emma Rosenwald gave birth to Chicago resident FritzRichard Rosenwald, the husband of Gertrude Anna Rosenwald and Eva JaffeRosenwald and Kathe Jeanette Schloss, the wife of Otto Schloss

1904:In Chicago, Lilla Louise Smith and Charles Rexford Bellamy gave birth to awardwinning actor in Ralph Bellamy who in 1943 starred in Ben Hecht’s pageant “WeWill Never Die” which had been created by Billy Rose and Ernst Lubitsch as aresponse to the world's (and America's) silence in the face of the Holocaust,as well as their growing frustration with American policy and their contemptfor Hollywood's “fear of offending its European markets,”

1905: Fire destroyed 130 houses in Constantinople inhabited byJews. 400 families rendered homeless.

1906: In Pinsk, Rebecca Mullin and Jacob Eskolsky gave birth toMitchel Simon Ekolsky, the husband of Amelia “Mildren” Mullin and in 1940 atthe age of 34 was a rabbi at the Elchanon Theological Seminary in New York.

1906: Hunter College graduate and NYU trained attorney Anna Weinger,the Polish born daughter of Herman Weiner and Henrietta LaFrantz became Annie Weiner Hochfelder when shemarried Hungarian born Julius Hochfelder who was her law partner and the fatherof her two sons, Julian and Richard.

1906: Five Jewish members of the Russian Parliament sent atelegram today that read “The outbreak at Bialystok clearly was the beginningof an organize massacre, similar to the bloody October days” and that “onlyenergetic intervention an prevent a terrible catastrophe.

1907: “Jacob H. Schiff appealed to representatives of orthodoxJewish congregations tonight for help for the Jewish Theological Seminary onMorningside Heights” and said that theorthodox congregations had not given the seminary proper support.”

1908: In Frankfurt, Germany, Jacob and Celestine (Mullings) Weissgave birth to TrudeWeiss-Rosmarin who became a major commentator on the nature of American Jewishlife.

1909:One day after he passed away, Leah Gorfunkle, the daughter of Polish nativeSamuel Gorfunkle, was buried today at the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery” in NorthernIsland.

1910:In Dresden, “Siegfried Goldschmidt, a banker from Frankfurt, and VallyGoldschmidt Peiser, teacher from Breslau gave birth to Swiss musicologist HarryGoldschmidt.

1910:It was reported today that 30 Jewish pharmacists and assistants had beenordered to leave Rostoff-on-Don.

1911(21stof Sivan, 5671): Parashat Beha’altocha

1911:It was reported today that Representative Sulzer of New York, “who believesthere should be some Jewish chaplains in the Army, has introduced a billproviding two additional chaplains, which it is hoped will “provide anopportunity for appointing Jews” to fill this role.

1912:Harvard and University of Missouri educated mathematician Dr. Louis LazarZilverman, the Kovno born son of Fanny Swig and Abraham Silverman and professorof mathematics at Dartmouth College married Sonia Paeff today.

1912:The survivors of the Titanic, including Edith Russell were nearing New Yorkaboard the Carpathia which they had boarded on or about April 16.

1913:Twenty-three-year-old Cooper Union trained Engineer Jacob X. Cohen, the son ofBarnet and Ida (Weaver) Cohen married Sadie Alta Friedberg in Pittsburgh, PAbefore going to a career in Syracuse, NY

1913:Dr. William Armhold, the Rabbi Emeritus of Keneseth Israel in Philadelphiacelebrated his 84th birthday today with friends and family inAtlantic City, NJ.

1914: Birthdate of author John Hersey. Hersey was not Jewish. Infact he was born in China, the son of missionaries. Jews should remember as theauthor of The Wall, which was a gripping account of the Warsaw GhettoUprising, and the events that led up to it. What makes this book even more of astandout was that Hersey wrote it in 1950 long before the Holocaust genrebecame an acceptable literary topic and motif for Jewish authors, let alonenon-Jewish authors. Hersey passed away in 1993 after a long and distinguishedcareer.

1914: Jane Marian Joseph, the daughter of George Solomon Joseph, aJewish solicitor and his wife Henriette Franklin Joseph “participated in aperformance of Berlioz's La damnation de Faust that was praised in today’sedition of the Cambridge Review.

1915: Birthdate of Dr. Bernard Lander, the Orthodox rabbi who wasone of the founders of, and first president of Touro College

1915: Governor Slaton is “giving deliberate study to every detailof the appeal of Leo M. Frank for commutation” of his death sentence “at hiscountry home on Peachtree Road where he has the trial evidence and other datapresented by the State and the defense.”

1915: During World War I, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch, Rabbi J. LeonardLevy, Jacob Schiff, Isaac Seligman and Oscar Straus are among those who havebeen invited to attend a conference today at Philadelphia’s Independence Hallwhih will “consider the adoption of proposals for a League of Peace and todecide upon steps to be taken for obtaining the support of public opinion andof Governments.”

1915: The disclaimer by Thomas Hardwick, the United States fromGeorgia, that he had written a letter to Governor Slaton urging clemency forLeo Frank, was published today along with his explanation “that his reason formaking this denial was that he wanted it known that he had not expressedhimself” one way or the other “regarding the Frank case.”

1916: Rabbi Joseph Rosenblatt, the cantor at “Ohab Zedek Synagoguesang the funeral hymns’ at Carnegie Hall tonight where “more than 2,500 Jewspaid honor to the memory of Sholem Aleichem during an “evening mourning”marking the passing of “the man who perhaps did more than any other to life theburdens and make light the hearts of Jews.”

1916: Funds were not collected today at mass meetings on what hadbeen designated as “Zionist Fund Day” because it would conflict with theupcoming convention of the Federal of American Zionists in Philadelphia.

1917: In Great Britain, asthe conflict between Zionists and anti-Zionist heated-up the Board of Deputescondemned the letter that David Lindo Alexander had sent to The Times of London specifying “graveobjections” to the Zionist agenda. The vote of censure forced Alexander resignhis Presidency of the Board of Deputies.

1917: In Nevada, Jewish community leaders met and formed acommittee to raise funds for the construction of Reno's first Synagogue.

1917: This afternoon in New York, Borough President Marcus M.Marks is scheduled to deliver the principal address “when the cornerstone ofthe new synagogue of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun” of which he has been a membersince he was a “youth” will be formally dedicated.

1918: It was reported today that “ant-Semitic agitation hasincreased in Poland” as can be seen by the “placards that have been posted allover Lodz and Warsaw signed by the ‘Army of Liberation’ urging Polest to beginanti-Jewish massacres.”

1918: In White Plains, NY, publisher Alfred A. Knopf, Sr andBlanche Wolf gave birth to Alfred A. Knopf, Jr. “one of the founders ofAtheneum Publishers.

1918: “Kosher Food At Upton” published today described the plan ofthe Jewish Welfare Board to erect “hostess house to provide Kosher food for theOrthodox Jews who are training at Camp Upton, the U.S. Army base that is hometo the largest contingent of Jewish soldiers in the United States.

1919: “A suggestion that English responsive reading beincorporated in synagogue services was offered today by Rabbi Israel Levinthaladdressing the session of the Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinical Assemblyat 581 West 123d Street” because he “said most of the younger worshippers didnot understand Hebrew and needed the English text.”

1920: Birthdate of Jacob H. Gilbert the graduate of St. John’sCollege whose career of public service was capped by serving the U.S. House ofRepresentatives from 1960 to 1971.

1920: Birthdate of Dr. Dr. François Jacob the native of Nancywhose combat wounds sustained while fighting in WW II “forced him to change hiscareer paths from surgeon to scientist, a pursuit that led to a Nobel Prize in 1965 for his role indiscovering how genes are regulated.” (As reported by William Yardley)

1921: It was reported today that “Winston Churchill, BritishSecretary of State for the Colonies” re-affirmed in a speech in the House ofCommons “the determination of his Government to make an ‘honest, just, patientand decisive attempt’ to fulfill the responsibility assumed by the Britishgovernment in connection with the establishment of the Jewish National Home inPalestine.”

1921(11th of Sivan, 5681): Eighty-year-old Germannative and Chicago Heights resident These Schoenemann Eisendrath, the wife ofBenjamin Eisendrath with whom she had four children – Bertha, Samson, Friedaand Oscar – passed away today after which she was buried at Rosehill Cemetery inChicago.

1922:Anna Rachel (Berman) Asimov and Judah Asimov gavebirth to Marcia Asimov, the younger sister of author Isaac Asimov.

1922: In Pittsburgh, PA, Esther and Hiram Harris Feldman gavebirth to Joshua Itzhak Feldman who fame composer and musical director JerryFielding who was forced to change his in 1947 so he could get a job working forJack Parr of which he later wrote, "They told me I was not going on withany name as Jewish as Feldman. I don't think there's any lessening of prejudicetoday. There's just more politeness about where and when it happens now. Ithink it's going to be the downfall of hom*o sapiens.",5563346&hl=en

1922(21st of Sivan, 5682): Sixty-three-year-old FloraGoldschmidt, the wife of Emil Schwarzschild who was the son of Emanuel Schwarzschild and RahelFraenkel, passed away today in Frankfurt.

1923: The Independent order of Brith Sholom which had been foundedin 1905 and has 35,802 members opened its 18th annual conventiontoday in Atlantic City, NJ

1923: Birthdate of Arnold Seymour “Bud” Relman the native ofQueens, NY who pursued a medical career and served as the “longtime editor ofthe New England Journal of Medicine.” (As reported by Douglas Martin)

1923: Today, Rabbi David de Sola Pool conducted the funeralservices for Albert Lucas, Secretary of the Union Orthodox Jewish Congregationof America, and Secretary of the Joint Distribution Committee “in the chapel ofthe Shearith Israel Congregation at Cypress Hills Cemetery.

1924: In Manhattan, “Hyman and Sadie Nadjari, Sephardic Jews whohad immigrated from Greece” gave birth to WW II veteran and NYU trainedattorney Maurice Hyman Nadjari ,the husband of Joan Boskey, who was best knownfor his role in fighting police department corruption in the 1970’s. (As reported by Robert D. McFadden)

1925:Alexander Theodore Shulgin, who was known as Sasha tofriends, was born in Berkeley, California today.

1925: In Brooklyn, the former Gertrude Goldberg, “a theater ticketbroker” and Julius A. Fox, a “textile converter” gave birth to Irwin Fox, whoas Sonny Fox was “presided over ‘Wonderama,’” “a four-hour combination of funand learning” that was broadcast on Sunday mornings from 1959 to 1967.” (Asreported by Richard Sandomir)

1926: At a luncheon today given by Hadassah, the Women’s ZionistOrganization of America and the American Physicians Committee was reported that“infant mortality among Jews in Palestine was as high as 33 per cents ascomparted with a rate of 1.7” in the United States.

1927: “Max Levy, pioneer in photo-engratving and inventor ofmachinery for manufacturing half-tone screen left an estate appraised today at$963, 402 of which $905,070 was in mortgages on Philadelphia businessbuildings.”

1927: “Felix Warburg, New York banker and capitalist, returnedtoday on the Cunarder Aquitania from a six months' tour of the world” where he“went through the Suez Canal to India, China and Japan and back over theTrans-Siberian Railway through Russia and visited the farm lands where 130,000Jews have been colonized.”

1928: “Bronx real estate dealers who are trying to establish anexclusively Jewish colony were denounced this morning by Dr. Jacob Katz, theRabbi of the Montefiore Congregation in the Bronx.”

1929: It was reported today that the issue of immortality inJudaism was the subject of Rabbi Jacob Katz’s Shabbat sermon given at theMontefiore Congregation in the Bronx.

1930: Police Captain F.M. Scott was stabbed in Jaffa during aclash with an Arab crowd following the execution of three Arabs at Acre.

1930: During a recording session” today, “just after completingChopin's E major Scherzo, pianist” Leopold Godowsky “suffered a severe strokewhich left him partially paralyzed. Godowsky's remaining years wereovershadowed by the event, leaving him deeply depressed.”

1931: “Five injured Jews were taken to a hospital and twelve morewere arrested after a clash between British police and unemployed Jews at Afula,a central town in the Valley of Jezreel.”

1932: “In an article written for The American Hebrew and JewishTribune, published today, Dr. Cyrus Adler. president of the American JewishCommittee, takes sharp issue with the proposal of Dr. Stephen S. Wise. honorarypresident of the American Jewish Congress, for the convening of a world Jewishcongress.”

1933(23rd of Sivan, 5693): Parashat Sh’lach

1933: German Jews were shocked by news of the murder of Dr. ChaimArlosoroff in Tel Aviv. During a recent trip to Berlin, Arlosoroff had outlineda plan for settling German Jews in Palestine; a plan that they feared would diewith the Zionist leader.

1933: “The annual convention of the Council of Young IsraelOrganizations” which will be attended by “delegates from the United States,Canada, Great Britain, France and Poland” is scheduled to continue for a secondday at “the Hotel Clarendon-Brunswick” in Asbury, NJ.

1934: Birthdate of Yitzchok Meyer Abramson, the native of Chicagowho served as a rabbi in St. Louis, MO.

1934: A track and field event under the auspices of the Maccabiorganization in New York City led by executive secretary Dave White isscheduled to take place today.

1935: Birthdate of Frederick Delano Newman who became an eccentricgadfly in the world of New York politics.

1936: Himmler was put in charge of the S.S. as Chief of the GermanPolice. This vicious little man was the architect of evil, the person whoactually ran the killing machine that was known as the Holocaust. Several ofthe SS officers on the Eastern Front held Himmler in contempt. It seems that onthe one visit he made to watch the Killing Squads at work, he could not standthe sight and vomited. He was also stupid enough to believe at the end of thewar that he could negotiate a separate peace with the Western Allies and getthem to join the Nazis sans-Hitler in a war against the Soviets.

1936: As Arab violence intensified, The Palestine Post reportedthat Jacob Gerson, the lorry driver ambushed on the Kastel bends of theJerusalem-Tel Aviv road, became the 32nd Jew to be killed by Arabs since April19. Scores of Arab leaders and agitators were interned at Sarafand. The Yishuvlaunched a Relief and Consolidation Fund to assist all those who sufferedthrough the disturbances. The government announced a new scheme for the openingand improving the Old City of Jaffa.

1936(27th of Sivan, 5696): “Dr Julius Brodnitz, attorney andPresident of the Central Union of Jews in German passed away” today in Berlinat the age of 68. Born in Posen, Dr.Brodnitz came to Berlin in 1894 where he pursued a successful legal career andbecome a leader in Jewish communal affairs.Although he had not originally been a Zionist, his views changed afterthe Nazis came to power. He visitedPalestine in April and was no longer opposed to Jewish immigration to EretzIsrael.

1936: Senator Royal Copeland, who spoke out against the Naziregime as early as June, 1933, passed away today.

1936: Birthdate of Lumberton, NC merchant and Democrat politicalleader who served in the North Carolina General Assembly and as head the Governor’s Highway Safety Program under GovernorPerdue.

1936: “Fifteen prominent businessmen, bankers, clergymen andlawyers met at the Metropolitan Club” tonight “and accepted the invitation ofGeorge Gordon Battle to launch the American League for Religious Liberty, anorganization of Catholics, Protestants and Jews” of which Governor Herbert H.Lehman is one of the three co-chairmen.

1936: The nine judges of General Sessions accepted a painting ofthe late Judge Otto A Rosalsky which presented by Judge Jonah Goldstein on “onbehalf of the Grand Street Boys Association” which Rosalsky had served aspresident.

1937: Borough President Samuel Levy “denounced dictators andbigots of the present day” today at the “sixth commencement exercises ofYeshiva College.

1937(8th of Tammuz, 5697): Russian born Louis Katcher,the husband of Rebecca Katz Kratcher andthe father of Samuel, Shirley, Jack, Irving, Archie and Molly Ann Katcherpassed away today in Detroit after whichhe buried at Hebrew Memorial in Clinton Township, Michigan.

1937: Marx Brothers' "A DayAt The Races" opens in New York

1938: Royal S. Copeland who served as Republican Senator fromMichigan and then as a Democratic Senator from New York passed away. In the spring of 1933, Copeland spoke outagainst the abuse of the Jews by the Nazis on the floor of the U.S. Senate. In1936, during the Arab Uprising, he was part of delegation of U.S. Senators whowent to Palestine to get a first-hand view of what was going on and how theBritish were administering the mandate. Upon his return, he introduced aresolution on the floor of the Senate condemning the British attempts tounilaterally modify the mandate especially as it pertained to attempts to limitJewish immigration and purchase of land.

1938(18th of Sivan, 5698): Eighty-three-year-oldFriederike “Rika” Einstein, the youngest sibling of Hermann Einstein, thefather of Albert Einstein passed away today.

1939(30th of Sivan, 5699): Parashat Korach; RoshChodesh Tammuz

1939: In Washington, D.C., “Stanley Irving Posner and Lillian(Kahn) Posner-Wallace” gave birth to Smith College graduate Elisabeth PosnerCohen, the President of the Posner-Wallace Foundation and mother of Suzanne andRachel Cohen.

1939: A “capacity audience” filled Town Hall tonight to “celebratethe 80th anniversary of the birth of Sholem Aleichem when “theJewish Cultural Society presented a memorial program” that included appearancesby Michael Goldstein, David Opatoshu, playwright Peretz Hirshbein and “theFreiheit Choir directed by Max Helfman and Lillian Taiz.”

1939:After being denied access toCuba and the United States, the German refugee ship St. Louis docks inAntwerp, Belgium. Belgium offers to take 214 passengers, the Netherlands 181,Britain 287, and France 224. Ultimately, the Nazis will murder most of thepassengers except for those accepted by Great Britain.

1940: Portuguese diplomat Aristides de Sousa Mendes decided tofollow his conscience and disobeyed Dicator Antonio de Oliveira Salazar’sstrict orders not to issue any visas to “Jews.” His actions gave meaning to hisexplanation "I would rather stand with God against man, than with managainst God."

1940: As the Nazis sweep through the Low Countries and France,Edmond Michelet distributed leaflets calling for a continuation of thewar. This was considered to be the firstact of French Resistance during WW II coming one day before De Gaulle’s appealto the French nation.

1940: In New Haven, CT, Rosalie (née Hirschfelder) and GöstaÅkerlöf gave birth to George Arthur Akerlof who won the 2001 Nobel MemorialPrize in Economic Sciences and who is married to Janet Yellen, head of the Fed.

1940: Today “Marshal Philippe Pétain issued orders to the FrenchArmy to cease fighting, signaling the capitulation of his country to the forcesof the Third Reich” which would lead in very short to the Jews of France being“rounded up in the notorious ­rafles, sent first to prison camps within Franceand ultimately to the east” where they were murdered in the concentrationcamps. (As reported by Sara Paretsky)

1941:Reinhard Heydrich briefs Einsatzgruppen commanderson the implementation of the "Final Solution."

1941:French priests in the Lyondiocese publicly protest the Vichy government's anti-Jewish policies.

1941:The Japanese ocean liner Hikawa Maru whose passengerlist included Zerach Warhaftig, a future signatory of Israel’s Declaration ofIndependence and his parents – Yerucham Warhaftig and Rivka Fainstein – dockedat Vancouver, Canada and safety from the Holocaust thanks to the courage of theJapanese Vice-Consul in Kaunas, Lithuania, Chiune Sugihara who defied hisgovernment by issuing visas to Jewish refugees.

1941: Today Michael Schapp, president of Bloomingdale’s announcedthat Harry A. Hatry has tendered his resignation as vice president andmerchandise director a post he has held since 1930.

1941: Funeral services are scheduled to be held today for BerthaSachs, the widow of Sigmund Sachs and the mother of Jeanette Barr and RosalieMorgenthau.

1942: Following the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, theGestapo broke into the home of František Moravec, head of the Czechintelligence services and tortured the family until one of the children who hadbeen shown the severed head of his mother broke down and gave them theinformation they were looking for.

1943: Sixty-four of the remaining Jews in the German city ofWuerzburg were deported. 7 were sent to Theresienstadt and 57 were deported toAuschwitz.

1943: In Brooklyn, Edna Manilow and Harold Pincus gave birth toBarry Alan Pincus known as singer/songwriter Barry Manilow.

1943(14th of Sivan, 5703): Sixty-year-old David Druck,the native of Latvia who came to the United States “during the First World Waras a war correspondent” and remained as a “writer for the Jewish MorningJournal” and the author of “a number of books in Yiddish and English.”

1944: In Budapest, SS General Veesenmayer notified Berlin thatfrom April 29, 1944 until this date 340,000 Hungarian Jews had now beendeported to the death camps. Among them was the family of Nobel Prize WinnerElie Wiesel.

1944: For the next seven days, the Jews ofBudapest, Hungary, are confined to specially marked "Jewishbuildings."

1945: “In the first official and comprehensive report on thepost-war situation of Jews in four countries of southern Europe --Italy,Austria, Yugoslavia and Albania – the American Joint Distribution Committee’schief of operations n that area, Reuben B. Resnik, said today their future onthe whole was encouraging with Italy the brightest spot and Austria thedarkest.”

1946: Birthdate of Barry Manilow. Born Barry Alan Pincus, inBrooklyn, he was the son of Edna Manilow and Harold Pincus. Apparently somebodythought his mother’s less ethnic name would lead to greater fame. No less anarbiter of pop culture than Rolling Stones named him"Showman of the Generation."

1946: Operation Markolet, or Night of the Bridges, a Haganahoperation meant to immobilize the transportation system by blowing up thebridges linking Palestine to the surrounding Arab states came to a successfulclose.

1946: Lehi attack the railway operations at Haifa.

1946: In an unusual turn of events Haganahcompleted attacks on railways and bridges in Eretz Israel.“Haganah unitedlaunched the most daring attack of their underground campaign by blowing up tenof the eleven bridges connecting Palestine with surrounding nations.”

1947: Al Langer opened Langer’s Deli in LosAngeles. The MacArthur Park eatery wouldstand the test of time. Tragically, Mr.Langer passed away at the age of 94, a week after his signature deli celebratedits 60th anniversary.

1948: Despite sporadic outbreaks, the UN trucebetween Israel and its Arab attackers that went into effect on June 11continued to hold today.

1949: George P. Alpert announced today theelection of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to the Board of Trustees of BrandeisUniversity making her the first woman to serve on the board of the school “nowcompleting its first academic year.”

1949: “Eleven Hungarian Jewish leaders, allidentified with the Zionist movement” are scheduled to go on trial today “oncharges of having promoted illegal mass emigration of Jews from Hungary.”

1950: According to reports published today,peace talks resumed this week between Israel and King Abdullah of Jordan. The talks centered on creating a corridorthat will give Jordan access to the Mediterranean possibly at Gaza which isheld by Egypt. The Egyptians might agreeto the deal, according to these same reports, if the Jordanians and Israeliswould take responsibility for the quarter of million refugees in Gaza whom theEgyptians are controlling with a military garrison.

1951: Central system of Israel'sunderground water supply was dedicated in Northern Negev. This was the start ofa project dear to the heart of David Ben Gurion. He saw the Negev as vital tothe growth of the new Jewish State. He was determined to bring water to thisarid region and make the "Desert Bloom."

1951: The Jerusalem Post reportedthat only 40 per cent of the electorate voted in the Zionist Congresselections. In Tel Aviv Mapai scored 45, Herut 20, and Mapam 16 percent of thevote; the rest was divided among small parties. In Jerusalem Mapai scored 54,Herut 17, Hapoel Hamizrahi 16, Mapam 8 and Progressives 4 percent of the vote,the rest being divided among small parties.

1951:Left-wing labor leaders called a one-hour strike inTel Aviv harbor today to block loading of a cargo of citrus juice concentrateswhich was a gift from the Republic of Korea, also known as South Korea, whichwas engaged in a bitter war with communist North Korea.

1951:The College World Series in which Moe Savransky pitched for Ohio StateUniversity came to an end today in Omaha, Nebraska.

1952: “A home for 75 girls donated by the Goodwin Welfare Leagueof Brooklyn was dedicated this afternoon as part of the Children’s City buildaround the Ponievez Talmudic College at B’nai Brak, a suburb of Tel Aviv.

1953” Francis Covers the Big Town,” one of a series about atalking mule directed by Arthur Lubin and produced by Leonard Goldstein wasreleased today in the United States.

1953: The 117 Squadron "First Jet" was inaugurated todayas the IAF's first fighter jet squadron at Ramat David.”

1953: Supreme Court Justice William O Douglas issued an orderstaying the executions for convicted spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg which arescheduled for the next day. The Rosenbergswere part of a plethora of Jews who were involved in both sides of this famousspy case. However, the anti-Semites whosought to use the Rosenberg case as proof of Jewish perfidy never talked abouthe Jews who prosecuted the case of the Jewish judge who imposed the deathsentence.

1955: Birthdate of New Bedford, MA native and recipient of aMacArthur Fellowship Aaron Lansky, the author of Outwitting History andthe founder of the Yiddish Book Center.

1956: Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion names Golda Meir to replaceMoshe Sharett as Foreign Minister.

1957: In Langley Park, MD, a suburb of Washington, DC, duringAbraham Posin, the owner of kosher delicatessen on Georgia Avenue, “collapsedduring the ribbon cutting” ceremony marking the opening of “a large modernsupermarket” that the Washington Post called “the world’s largest retail kosherfood enterprise.”

1958: Birthdate of Jonathan David Leibowitz who served as Chairmanof the Federal Trade Commission during the Obama administration.

1960: Prime Minister Ben-Gurion is scheduled to leave France todayfor the Netherlands and Belgium.

1961(3rd of Tammuz, 5721): Parasaht Korach

1961: At Congregation B’naiJershurun, Rabbi William Berkowitz is scheduled to deliver a sermon on “OurYouth – What Can We For Them?”

1961: Robert Bernard Alter, the New York born son of Harry andTillie Alter who became a professor of Hebrew at Cal-Berkley and created hisown translation of the bible, today married his married second wife CarolCosman, an editor and translator.

1961(3rd of Tammuz, 5721): Actor JeffChandler passes away at the age of 40 due to complications fromsurgery. Born Ira Grossel in Brooklyn, New York, handsome matinee idol gainedhis greatest fame and Oscar nomination playing the role of the Apache ChiefCochise in “Broken Arrow,” a western depicting attempts to establish a trucebetween the Indians and the white settlers on the Arizona Frontier.

1962(15th of Sivan, 5722): Seventy-eight year oldBrooklyn native Grace Baer Bachrach, the school teacher and wife of attorneyClarence G. Bachrach with whom she had two children who was so active invarious civic and cultural organizations including the “Brooklyn division ofthe Federation of Jewish Philanthropies” that was honored as “Brooklyn’s FirstLady of Philanthropy in 1956 passed away today.

1962: At the Savoy Hilton, Rabbi Richard Steinbrink officiated atthe wedding of Adele Mintz and James Samuel Dalsimer.

1963: In Rye, NY, “Samuel J. Bloomingdale, the honorary chairmanof Bloomingdale’s department stores observed his 90th birthday today”declaring that “You’ve either got the genes to live to 90 or you haven’t.”

1963: The United States Supreme Court rule 7 to 2 in Sherbert vWerner that aan employee who refused to work on Saturday because it was theSabbath and was terminated for that did not lose the right to collectunemployment benefits. As is often thecase, the sabbatarian was not Jewish. In this case she was a Seven DayAdventist.

1963(25th of Sivan, 5723): Eighty-four-year-old Polishborn American builder Jacob D. Berge who came to the United States in 1914where he served as a director of theSholem Aleichem Folk Institute and a director of YIVO.

1963: The United States Supreme Court ruled 8 to 1 in AbingtonSchool District v. Schempp against allowing the reciting of Bible versesand the Lord's Prayer in public schools.As is so often the case in litigation involving separation of church andstate,, the plaintiffs were not Jewish.In this case they were Unitarians.The opinions of the Justices clearly state the importance of religion inAmerica, but they also are quite clear that it does not belong in public venuessuch as schools.

1966: “Cul-de-sac” a “crime-thriller” directed and written byRoman Polanski and co-starring Lionel Stander was released in London today.

1967: Moshe Dayan ordered the responsibility for the Haram, whichhad been under Israeli military control for a week, to be restored to theMuslims. He also insisted that allMuslims, whether living in Israel or the West Bank be allowed to pray at theHaram.

1967: Barbra Streisand performed“A Happening in Central Park.”

1968(21st of Sivan, 5728): Sir Andrew Benjamin Cohen KCMG KCVO OBE, who served asGovernor of Uganda from 1952 to 1957 passed away. Born in 1909, Sir Andrew was“a descendant of Levi Barent Cohen, the founder of the oldest Ashkenazi familyin Britain.”

1969(1st of Tammuz,5729): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1969(1st of Tammuz,5729): One American was killed today during a shelling attack on Kalya, asettlement “on the northern shore of the Dead Sea.”

1969: “Arthur Rubinstein – The Loveof Life” (FL'Amour de la vie – Artur Rubinstein) a 1969 documentary about pianist, ArthurRubinstein which won the 1969 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature wasreleased to movie theatres today.

1970(13th of Sivan,5730): Seventy-eight-year-old Herbert Brutus Ehrmann, the Louisville, KY bornson of “Hilmar ‘Hillel’ Ehrmann and Erna Ehrmann” and Harvard trained attorneybest known for his role in the defense of Sacco and Vanzettia who raised twosons Rabbi H. Bruce Ehrmann and Dr.Robert L. Ehrmann with “his wife, the former Sara Rosenfeld” passed away today.

1970: Birthdate of actor MichaelShowalter.

1970: “The Anderson Tapes,” asophisticated crime film directed by Sidney Lumet co-starring Dyan Cannon(Samille Diane Friesen), Martin Balsam and Alan King was released today in theUnited States.

1971: In Paris, Ilan and SylviaMoreno, Maghrebi Jewish immigrants from North Africa gave birth IDF Lt. ColonelEmanuel Yehuda Moreno, the grandson of one of the passengers who was aboard thehighjacked plane taken to Entebbe, the husband of Maya Moreno with whom he hadthree children – Aviya, Neria and Noam-Yisrael -- who was a member of the Sayeret Matkal andcasualty during the Second Lebanon War.

1971(24th of Sivan, 5731): Sixty-seven-year-oldViennese born American composer Walter Jurmann passed away today.

1972: In Washington, DC, five menwere arrested at the Watergate complex marking the start of the WatergateScandal which would end the Presidency of Richard M. Nixon. None of the principles in the burglary or thecover-up were Jewish. According to someHenry Kissinger played a role in the creation of the Plumbers when hecomplained about the leaks to the press that were hampering his diplomaticnegotiations. In 1973, during the YomKippur, there were those who wondered if the politically wounded Nixon wouldcome to the aide of the Israelis. He didand the decision had no impact on what was going on in Washington.

1973: On Sunday at the Hillel House in Iowa City Dr. Ron Reidermarried Sue Reider.

1973: A “car parked near the El Al office in Rome exploded”injuring 2 Arabs who were arrested and then freed without ever standing trial.

1973: U.S. premiere of “Blume in Love,” directed, produced andwritten by Paul Mazursky starring George Segal and Shelly Winters.

1974: “Songwriter Alexander Galich was granted an exit visa” thatwould only be valid until June 25th.

1974: Four days after she had passed away, ninety-two-year-oldGertrude Kaplan, the “daughter of Abraham and Anna (Hinde) Shemerinsky” and thewife of Jacob Kaplan with whom she had had five children was buried today inForest Park, Illinois.

1975: Soviet authorities interrogated Ida Nudel about documents“relating to Prisoners of Zion.”

1975: Five days after he had passed away, funeral services arescheduled to be held this afternoon for “seventy-four-year-old Arthur Kober, thehusband of Lillian Hellman who gained his own measure of fame as a screenwriterand author whose works appeared in The New Yorker.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that the US Ambassador toLebanon Francis Meloy, his Economic Counselor Robert Waving and their Lebanesedriver were kidnapped and later found murdered in a Muslim area of Beirut.

1976: “SilentMovie,” “a satirical comedy film co-written, directed by, and starring MelBrooks” with a cast that included Marty Feldman, Sid Caesar, James Caan, MarcelMarceau and Paul Newman was released in the United States today.

1976: “Harry and Walter Goto New York,” a comedy directed by Mark Rydell, starring James Caan, ElliotGould and Lesley Ann Warren with a script co-authored by Robert Kaufman andmusic by David Shire was released in the United States today.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reportedthat King Hussein of Jordan, on the eve of his visit to the Soviet Union, saidthat he was ready to purchase Russian missiles even if it angered the U.S.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reportedthat the citizens of Tel Aviv were promised a complete restoration of theirbeach-front promenade to its former glory.

1977: U.S. premier of “The Deep”the film version of the book with same name produced by Peter Gruber, the sonof a Somerville, MA “junkman.”

1980(3rd of Tammuz,5740): Sixty-five-year-old George Pinkowitz, the Bayonne, NJ born son ofBenjamin and Mollie Finkelstein Pinkowitz, the World War II veteran whosupplemented his income as a teacher by working as a pharmacist after havingmarried Cecelia Glick Pinkowitz, passed away today after which he was buried atthe Beth Israel Memorial Park in Woodbridge, NJ.

1981(15th of Sivan,5741): Sixty-five-year-old Yitzhak Zuckerman, the leader of the ZOB who survived the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,founded two kibbutzim with his wife Ziva and other survivors and testified atthe trial of Adolf Eichmann passed away. (Please read the items below. There is no way for me to do justice to thisman)

1982: “Nazeyh Mayer, a leading figure in the PLO's Rome office, was shot deadoutside his home”

1982:“Kamal Husain, deputy director of the PLO office in Rome, was killed by ashrapnel bomb placed under the back seat of his car as he drove home, less thanseven hours after he had visited the home of Nazeyh Mayer.”

1984: In “God the Implausible Kinsman,” Arthur A. Cohen reviewed Responsesto Catastrophe in Modern Jewish Culture by David G. Roskies

1987: In Tel Aviv, a program created by Sara Levi-Tanay isscheduled to open at the Inbal Yemenite Dance Theatre where she is thechoreographer.

1988: U.S. premiere of “The Great Outdoors” a comedy directed byHoward Deutch with music by Thomas Newman the son of composer Alfred Newman.

1989: Today, Aaron Lansky, “an Amherst man who had spent more thana decade scrounging in dumpsters, basem*nts, and attics was awarded a MacArthurFoundation "genius grant."

1994: U.S. premiere of “Getting even with Dad” a comedy directedby Howard Deutch

1996(30th of Sivan, 5756): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1996(30th of Sivan, 5736): Seventy-three-year-oldUniversity of North Carolina and Yale trained economist Luicille Mauer, thefirst woman to be serve as Treasurer of the State of Maryland who was born inBrooklyn NY and who was the wife of Ely Mauer with whom she had three children,passed away today.

1996(30th of Sivan, 5756): Thomas Samuel Kuhn, who wrote andtaught about history and philosophy science, passed away. A Guggenheim Fellow, Kuhn won the GeorgeStanton Medal for his work in the history of science.

1999(3rd of Tammuz, 5759): Eighty-two-year-old Polishborn and Columbia and University of Wisconsin educated “health economist”Herbert Kalman, the recipient of aGuggenheim Fellowship and father of Seth and Michael Klarman who was “aprofessor at Johns Hopkins University, State University of New York, and NewYork University” passed away today.

2000: “Secretary General Kofi Annan today certified Israel'swithdrawal from southern Lebanon, opening the way to a more robust UnitedNations peacekeeping presence along Lebanon's often troubled border withIsrael.” (As reported by Christopher Wren)

2001:”The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan,today urged Israelis and Palestinians to take advantage of a crucial moment tomove toward resuming peace talks in the violence-plagued region.” (As reportedby Douglas Frantz)

2001: The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of special interestto Jewish readers including Does American Need A Foreign Policy? byHenry Kissinger and Borrowed Tides by Paul Levinson.

2002: “Prime Minister Ariel Sharon today rejectedthe idea of a provisional Palestinian state, which President Bush is said to beconsidering as part of a plan he is expected to announce this week in hopes ofreviving peace talks.” (As reported by John Kifner)

2003(17th of Sivan, 5763): Noam Leibowitz, 7, of Yemin Orde waskilled and three members of her family wounded in a shooting attack near theKibbutz Eyal junction on the Trans-Israel Highway. The terrorist fired from theoutskirts of the West Bank city of Kalkilya. The Fatah al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigadesand the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command claimedresponsibility for the attack.

2004: “Dissent Greets Isaac Bashevis Singer Centennial” publishedtoday described the one-woman battle of Inna Grade, the widow of Yiddish ChaimGrade to set the record straight when it comes to Isaac Bashevis Singer, “theonly Yiddish author to win a Nobel Prize in Literature.” (As reported by AlanaNewhouse)

2005: Professor Esther “E.M.”Broner’s musical Higginson: AnAmerican Life,” was performed for the first time by the Michigan Opera Theatre

2005: “Wordplay,” an exhibition assembled by curator Tamar Cohenopened at the Julie Saul Gallery today.

2005: Jean Perron, coach ofthe Israeli Men’s Hockey Team, and other Israeli hockey officials ran a one-daytryout camp in Mississauga, Ontario for the senior and junior players. Almost forty North American players, mostlyfrom Canada, who had some kind of tie to Israel, took part in the tryouts.

2005: Ken Feinberg, the man who served asSpecial Master of the U.S. government's September 11thVictim Compensation Fund and …the Special Master for TARP ExecutiveCompensation,” “was honored by hishometown of Brockton by having a road named after him: Attorney Ken FeinbergWay.”

2006: The Israeli nationalsoccer team may not have made it to the World Cup Finals, but the Israeli flagdid. John Pantsil, a Ghana defender who plays professionally for Hapoel TelAviv, pulled a blue-and-white flag out from his sock following both of histeam's goals against the Czech Republic as the "Black Stars" pulledoff the tournament's most significant upset.

2006 Daniel Barenboim left his position of music director of theChicago Symphony Orchestra today.

2007: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is scheduled to meet UnitedNations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York today

2007(1st of Tammuz, 5767): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

2007: The Sunday New YorkTimes features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of specialinterest to Jewish readers The Gravedigger’s Daughter by Joyce CarolOates whose main character is Rebecca Schwartz the daughter of Jacob and AnnaSchwartz, German-Jewish refugees from Hitler’s Germany and Volume One of AYoung People’s History of the United Sates: Columbus to the Spanish-American War by Howard Zinn.

2007: The Washington Post features reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including 15 Stars: Eisenhower,MacArthur, Marshall by Stanley Weintraub, a book that examines three of thegenerals who played key roles in the winning of World War II.

2007: The Jerusalem Post reported that “aid embargo on the PalestinianAuthority is set to be lifted.”

2008: Ryan Braun drove in his 152ndcareer RBI, in his 182nd game

2008: Ifar “Eef” Barzelay”s “second soloalbum, Lose Big, was released today.”

2008: The Jerusalem Post reported that “moreUS Jews today are "uncoupled" in two senses of the term -unmarriedand unconnected to organized Jewry - according to the latest study byresearchers Steven Cohen and Ari Kelman, who call this data"disturbing," though not for the reasons one might expect. In 1990,33 percent of non-Orthodox Jews aged 25-39 were single. By 2000-01, the numberhad grown to 50%. In fact, "never in Jewish demographic history have weseen so many young adults unmarried, or 'uncoupled,'" the study says.

2008: The New York Times reported that MichaelR. Bloomberg, NYC’s Jewish mayor, remains as popular as ever despite “anoverall sense the city headed down the wrong path according to the newspaper’slatest polling data.

2009: Atthe DCJCC, Nextbook DC presents an evening with LucetteLagnado author of “The Man inthe White Sharkskin Suit: A Jewish Family's Exodus from Old Cairo to the NewWorld.”

2009: The Montreal InternationalYiddish Theater Festival opens at the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts.

2009:The Museum of History of Polish Jews launched a bilingual Polish-Englishwebsite called the Museum of the History of Polish Jews "VirtualShtetl", listing 1,240 towns with maps, statistics and picturegalleries.[5] The new portal intends to collect and provide essentialinformation about Jewish life in Poland prior to Second World War and theHolocaust in Poland.

2010: The Biennial Scholars'Conference on American Jewish History is scheduled to come to an end.

2010: InCedar Rapids, IA, Temple Judah is scheduled to hold its Annual CongregationalMeeting.

2010:The Museum of History of Polish Jews launched a bilingual Polish-Englishwebsite called the Museum of the History of Polish Jews "VirtualShtetl", listing 1,240 towns with maps, statistics and picture galleries.

2010: After a day which brought weeksof tensions between Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community and the state to aclimax, 35 fathers of students at the Emmanuel Beit Ya’acov girls school begantwo-week jail terms for contempt of court over discriminatory practices at theschool, and their hassidic community hailed them as heroes for “choosing Torah”over the secular court system

2011: InNew York, Sotheby’s is scheduled to auction Marc Chagall’s sketchbook.

2011: An exhibition entitled“In the Footsteps of MyGrandparents, A Photographic View of Israel” by Talya Arbisser is scheduled tocome to a close at the Deutser Art Gallery

2011: Defense Minister Ehud Barakthinks there is a 50-50 chance that Israel and the Palestinians will return tothe negotiating table before September but that Israel cannot stop settlementconstruction, he told France 24 in an interview today. "I hope that it'sat least 50-50, probably more than 50-50," the defense minister answeredwhen asked what chances are that peace talks will resume between Israel and thePalestinian Authority before Palestinians plan to ask the UN for recognition ofstatehood in September.

2011(15thof Sivan, 5771): Ninety-six-year-old Austrian born Holocaust escapee KatherineBachrach who along with her husband, fellow Holocaust survivor Harry Bachrrach,founded a textile firm, Harry Bachrach, Inc. passed away today

2011: A Holocaust exhibit hasdisappeared from a subway station in Romania for the second time in a week, itscreators said today. Austrian journalist Emil Rennert and Israeli photographerShani Bar-On said 12 out of 24 panels depicting Romania’s Jewish heritage andthe Holocaust were missing from the Piata Unirii Station in Bucharest.

2012: “IShot My Love” is scheduled to shown at the London Israeli Film & TelevisionFestival.

2012: TheLos Angeles Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including Guy Delisle's Jerusalem:Chronicles from the Holy City

2012: TheNew York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or ofspecial interest to Jewish readers including End This Depression Now! byPaul Krugman

2012(27thof Sivan, 5772): Eighty-two-year-old “Anthony Schulte, a publishing executivewho was an early proponent of audiobooks” passed away today. (As reported byPaul Vitello)

2012:“Ours to Fight For: American Jews in the Second World” an exhibition thatexplores and celebrates the achievements of Jewish men and women who were partof the American war effort on and off of the battlefield is scheduled to haveits final showing at the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center

2012:The IDF is concerned that rocket fire will increase from the Sinai Peninsulaand into Israel over the coming days as Egyptian presidential elections come toa close.A senior defense official said today that Israel had not yet confirmedthe identity of the terror cell which launched two rockets into southern Israelon Friday night - one near Uvda and the other near Mitzpe Ramon

2012:The government approved the establishment of a ministerial committee headed byPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this morning to deal with issues relating tosettlement construction.

2013:Dr. Nathan Shields is scheduled to begin teaching “Schoenberg: Music, God, andCatastrophe in Fin-de-siècle Vienna” which will examine the remarkable culturalferment of fin-de-siècle Vienna through the lens of one of its principalprotagonists, the composer Arnold Schoenberg.

2013:Today, Jessica “Meir was named as a candidate for astronaut training by NASA,becoming one of the eight members of NASA Astronaut Group 21”

2013:The Ir Yamim Mall in Netanya is scheduled to host a large employment fairdedicated to summer jobs for teenagers looking to work during their upcoming 10weeks long summer vacation from school.

2013:Former President Bill Clinton is being paid $500,000 to address a dinner at thePeres Academic Center in Rehovot which will be attended by the President ofIsrael and several top governmental officials.

2013:“The Quebec government's anti-corruption unit, known as the Unité permanenteanticorruption or simply UPAC, announced that” Saulie Zajdel who served as thedirector of the Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital had been arrested along with thecity's interim mayor, Michael Applebaum. Zajdel himself was charged with fivecounts of fraud, corruption, breach of trust and payment of secret commissions,related to construction permits issued between 2006 and 2011 when he was a citycouncilor

2013:Barbra Streisand is scheduled to receive an honorary doctorate from The HebrewUniversity in Jerusalem

2013:A 16-year-old girl, Coral Vedder, who is suffering from a rare form of cancer,sang Barbara Streisand’s song “People” to the Jewish legend when the awardwinning singer met with a group of children today at the official Jerusalemresidence of President Shimon Peres. (As reported by Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu)

2013:U.S. entertainer Barbra Streisand today took a swipe at Orthodox Jews in Israelwho compel women to sit in the back of buses and assault them for followingreligious rituals traditionally reserved for men while speaking at HebrewUniversity.

2014: The Center for Jewish History isscheduled to present “Dear Mendl, Dear Reyzl: Yiddish Letter Manuals fromRussia and America”

2014: Today, three retired Jewish egg farmersshared their experiences at the Jewish Heritage Museum of Monmouth County.

2014: “Wonders” and “The Lab” are scheduled tobe shown at the JCC in Manhattan as part of the Israel Film Center Festival.

2014:The Pixies, a rock band that had canceled plans to play in Israel 4 years agoin protest over the country’s policies is scheduled to perform at theBloomfield Stadium in Jaffa.

2014:In Cedar Rapids, a memorial service was held for Kevin Skinner of blessedmemory at Temple Judah

2014:Balad MK Hannin Zoabi said today that the Palestinian kidnappers of threeIsraelis were “not terrorists” but “they are people who do not see any way ofchanging their situation and they have to resort to these measures until Israelsobers up a bit, until the citizens of Israel and the public sober up andrelate to the suffering of others.” (As reported by Spence Ho)

2014:“New York’s Metropolitan Opera canceled its live transmissions of acontroversial opera featuring the murder of a Jewish character by a Palestinianhijacker today, amid fears the screening would stir up global anti-Semiticsentiment.”

2014(19thof Sivan, 5774): Ninety-three-year-old Israeli diplomat Asher Ben-Natan whoplayed a key role in the capture of Adolf Eichmann passed away today.

2014(19thof Sivan, 5774): Ninety-year-old sociologist, psychotherapist and authorLillian B. Rubin passed away today in San Francisco. (As reported by PaulVitello)

2014(19thof Sivan, 5774): Eighty-six-year-old NFL defenseman Lazarus "Larry,Rock" Zeidel who played on the Stanley Cup winning Detroit Red Wings in1952 and finished his career with the Philadelphia Flyers passed away today.

2014:Michael Rosenbaum “was cast as the lead in the TV Land original sitcomImpastor.”

2014:“Police arrested three men today for threatening their relative, an ArabIsraeli teen who, in a strikingly pro-Israel video posted online, wraps himselfin an Israeli flag and expresses solidarity with three kidnapped Israeliyouths. (As reported by Gavriel Fiske)

2015: The Center for Jewish Historyand the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee is scheduled to present alecture by Dr. Andrew J. Falk entitled “Shadow Diplomats: American JewishForeign Policy in the Era of World Wars” in which he will talk about “the workof global Jewish organizations in the mid-20th acentury.”

2015: “Kulturfest” is scheduled tohost a walking tour that will a view of the world of Russian Jews in New Yorkover the past century.

2015: In Philadelphia, the NationalMuseum of American Jewish History is scheduled to host a screening the 1996documentary “Richard Avedon: Darkness and Light.”

2015: The Chelsea Music Festival isscheduled to return to Leo Baeck Institute with a program of chamber musicfocused on Finland (to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of JeanSibelius) and Hungary

2016: After premiering at the ElCapitan Theatre nine days ago, “Finding Dory” an animated film featuring thevoices of Albert Brooks and Eugene Levy was released today in the UnitedStates.

2016: Today, “a terrorist was foundwith explosives in his bag at the light rail station on Yafo and King GeorgeStreet in central Jerusalem.”

2016: Balkan Beat Box, which was“founded by Israeli-born ex-pats Ori Kaplan and Tamir Muskat” is scheduledappear a Irving Plaza in NYC.

2016: In Coralville, IA, Agudas Achimis scheduled to host a “Roast and Toast” for interim Rabbi Barry Diamond.

2016: The Eden-Tamir Music Center isscheduled to host the next its “Excellence of the Future Generation Seriesfeaturing Niya Guretskaya, Lior Lifsh*tz, Eden Agranat, Dani Dvorkin, LihiJavits, Ido Zeev and Nabeel Haick

2016: “P.S. Jerusalem” is scheduledto be shown at the IFC Center.

2017(23rdof Sivan, 5777): Parashat Shela Lecha

2017(23rd of Sivan, 5777):Ninety-nine-year-old Elias Burstein, the pioneer in the field ofsemi-conductors who never earned a Ph.D. passed away today. (As reported byDylan Loeb McClain)

2017(23rd of Sivan, 5777):The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to celebrate “the lastShabbat of the year.)

2017: “An army ambulance called tothe West Bank settlement of Yitzhar was stoned by area residents tonight, in anincident the military said crossed a “red line.” (As reported by Jacob Magid)

2017: The Illinois Holocaust Museumand Education Center is scheduled to host a day of “Interactive SurvivorStories.”

2017: The Female Brain”co-starring Beanie Feldstein premiered today at the Los Angeles Film Festival.

2018: The New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Reporter: A Memoir by Seymour M. Hersh, You All Grow Up and Leave Me: A Memoir of Teenage Obsession by Piper Weiss andthe recently released paperback edition of The Awkward Age by Francesca Segal.

2018(14th of Tammuz,5778): Eighty-three-year-old Robert L. “Bob” Sill, a founding member of theCleveland Chapter of American ORT who went on to serve as national president ofAmerican ORT and chairman of the board of World ORT, is remembered for hispassion to educate young people around the world and as a mentor to many in theCleveland community” passed away today.

2018: “Two Gaza-launched balloonscarrying incendiary devices become entangled in branches in backyards of homein Beit HaGadi Moshav, while another three land in a tree in suburbssurrounding Sderot.” (As reported by Matan Tzuri, Yoav Zitun and Liad Osmo)

2018: Today “Shuva Malka, an18-year-old high school student who was wounded in a terror stabbing attack inAfula last week, has expressed her gratitude to Israeli security forces andmedical teams who helped save her life, and has called on the nation to prayfor her.” (As reported by Ahiya Raved)

2018: In Atlanta, The Breman Museumis scheduled to host a free day for the exhibition “Chasing Dreams: Baseballand Becoming American” in honor of Father’s Day.

2018: The Center for Jewish History'sAckman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute are scheduled to host a walking tourthat will explore “East Village Lost Synagogues.”

2019: TheAmerican Sephardi Federation’s Institute of Jewish Experience in partnershipwith Association Mimouna is scheduled to host the opening night event of“Uncommon Commonalties,” a “three-day scholarly and cultural conferencededicated to exploring the uncommon commonalities shared by Moroccan Jews andMuslims.”

2019: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of “93Queen” afilm which tells “the story of Rachel "Ruchie" Freier, full-time lawyerrunning to be a Civil Court Judge and Hasidic mother of six, who is fightingfor the creation of NYC's first ever all-female volunteer ambulance corps.”

2019: In Atlanta, GA, The BremanMuseum is scheduled to host “Peek Behind the Curtain” with a theme of “WildAbout Harry: Magic Inspired by Magical Harrys” as in Harry Houdini.

2019: It was reported today that ForeignMinister Israel Katz has said that “Israelis will attend a U.S.-led conferencein Bahrain next week on proposals for the Palestinian economy as part of acoming peace plan.”

2020: The ASF Institute of Jewish Experience isscheduled to present “The Music of North Africa and the Musical Life inDevotional Texts” by ASF Broom & Allen Fellow, ethnomusicologist andmulti-instrumentalist Dr. Samuel Torjman Thomas.

2020: Future Secretary of State Tony Blinkensaid the Joe Biden “would not tie military assistance to Israel to things likeannexation or other decisions by the Israeli government with which me mightdisagree.”

2020: As part of the Songs of Our, Songs of OurNeighbors program, the National Museum of American Jewish History is scheduledto host a Livestream Conversation and Concert featuring Joe Weisenberg.

2020: The Center for Jewish History isscheduled to host “Identity in the Throes of Crisis” with Irna Nevzlin, theChair of the Board of Directors of the Museum of the Jewish People at BeitHatfutsot, Ethan Bronner, senior editor at Bloomberg News and Ambassador DaniDayan, the Consul General of Israel.

2020: In place of its usual “formal event,” theAleph Society is scheduled to “host and Ungala” were supporters of the societyare urged to open a book and raise a glass in “L’chaim to Rabbi Steinsaltz.”

2021: The Contra Costa JCC is scheduled topresent UC David Professor David Biale talking about his book Hasidism: A NewHistory which tells “about the history and the important of the modern Jewishmovement.”

2021: In Atlanta, the Breman Museum isscheduled to host “Why Went” a webinar on the June 18th, 1964,Sit-In during which attendees will “relive a landmark moment in the history ofour nation's civil rights struggle when 16 rabbis were arrested in St.Augustine, FL, in 1964 in support of Martin Luther King's request to Jewishleaders to help bring attention to the plight of black people in America.”

2021: New York based comic talent Emmy Blotnickis scheduled to perform at the DC Improv this evening.

2021: The American Sephardi Federation,Department of Anthropology & Archeology at the University of Calgary,King’s College London, The International Network of Jewish Thought arescheduled to present “Sephardi Thought and Modernity: Foreign in a FamiliarLand: Language and Belonging in the Work of Jacqueline Kahanoff, Albert Memmiand Jacques Derrida - Live on Zoom”

2021: The Illinois Holocaust Museum isscheduled to commemorate Juneteenth by “paying tribute to victims, survivors,and descendants of the Tulsa Massacre” with a virtual program, featuring Dr.David Gray, professor of American Studies at Oklahoma State University andrecipient of the 2017 OSU-Tulsa President’s Outstanding Faculty Award forteaching, who will lead a powerful and thoughtful-provoking discussion withPhil Armstrong, Project Director for the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre CentennialCommission, and Carlos Moreno, author of The Victory of Greenwood, agroundbreaking book that shares perspectives of Greenwood’s most prominentfigures and dispels some of Tulsa's persistent myths and inaccuracies about theevents leading up to the Massacre of 1921.”

2021 The Jewish Women’s Archives is scheduledto present online the third lecture in its series on “Forgotten Lives”featuring “Miriam Karpilove with Jessica Kirzane, editor-in-chief of In geveb:A Journal of Yiddish Studies and translator of Miriam Karpilove’s “Diary of aLonely Girl”

2021: The JCC Greater Boston is scheduled topresent, online, “The Flowers of Marc Chagall,” “a magical evening, live onZoom, with floral designer and owner of Manhattan’s Fleurs Bella, Bella Meyer,the granddaughter of artist Marc Chagall.”

2022: The Center for Jewish History isscheduled to present “Discovering Your Jewish Ancestors in France” sponsored bythe Ackman and Ziff Family Genealogy Institute.

2022: Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to hostFriday Night Juneteenth Services with special guest Thomas Chatterton Williams.

2022: The Hamusika Live broadcast on Kan Kol isscheduled to feature a Young Artist Concert from Eden Tamir Center.

2023(28th of Sivan, 5783): Parashat Shelach-Lecha(Send forth); for more see

2023: Hyde Park is scheduled to hold its secondannual community-wide Juneteenth celebration which included a color guard fromthe 54 Massachusetts Voluntary Infantry Regiment, the first black regiment tobe organized during the Civil War.

2023: The Lazer Lloyd Band is scheduled toperform at the Yellow Submarine in Jerusalem.

2023: In Washington, DC, in the afternoon,Naomi Gedan is scheduled to be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.

2023: “Thirty-five Israeli athletes in sevendisciplines are heading off to represent the Jewish state at the SpecialOlympics in Berlin, which is scheduled to kick off with the opening ceremony today.”(As reported by Amy Spiro)

2023: In Washington, DC, at Adas IsraelMadeline Addeo is scheduled to be call to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.

2024: Professor Ruth Halperin-Kaddari and JWICEO Meredith Jacobs are scheduled to present a special briefing “on the ongoingfight to hold Hamas and other of perpetrators of sexual violence on October 7accountable” for deeds that would be unacceptable if the victims had not beenJewish.

2024: YIVO is scheduled to present a panel discussion led by YIVO Senior AcademicAdvisor & Director of Exhibitions, Eddy Portnoy, and featuring ProfessorAnnette Igra (Carleton College) and Dr. Annie Polland (President of theTenement Museum) on “Runaway Husbands, Desperate Families: The Story of theNational Desertion Bureau.”

2024: The Wiener Holocaust Library is scheduledto “celebrate” Refugee Week, the world’s largest arts & culture festivalcelebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and peopleseeking sanctuary” which was established in 1998 in the UK with events,exhibitions, and presenting online resources reflecting this year’s theme: “Our Home”.

2024; The Jewish Gun Violence Roundtable isscheduled is scheduled to host “an online conversation with esteemed panelistsRabbi Tamar Manasseh (Founder, Mothers and Men Against Senseless Killings), Dr.Chana Sacks (Co-Director, Massachusetts General Hospital Gun ViolencePrevention Center), Dr. Robbie Goldstein (Commissioner, MassachusettsDepartment of Public Health), and Dr. Dorothy Novick (PCP, Children’s Hospitalof Philadelphia) about how to keep our children safe from gun violence.”

2024: The state of Iowa’s Attorney General’s Anti-Semitism Task Forcechaired by Dan Breithbarth, the Assistant Attorney General for LegislativeAffairs is scheduled to meet this afternoon in Des Moines, IA.

2024: As June 17th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 255 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 17, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin – All #ourCOG News (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.